Anugyalaya Darjeeling Diocese Social Service Society Key Issues and
Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: East District, North District,Darjiling
Operational States: SIKKIM, WEST BENGAL
AchieveMents: i. Organic Farming Trainings: 124 families from 6 villages of North Sikkim and 99 families from 6 villages of Kalimpong trained on Organic Farming Practices with focus on seed saving, use of local indigenous seeds, green manure compost, vermi-compost, cattle manure management, crop rotation, mixed cropping, biological pest control and propagation of indigenous crops like millet, paddy, buckwheat, barley and cash crops like ginger and cardamom. 22 Cardamom Nurseries have been set up in North Sikkim.
ii. Animal Husbandry with enhanced knowledge on Scientific Methods of Livestock Management: 96 youths from North Sikkim and 81 youths from Kalimpong trained and educated about practical knowledge on breeds, breeding techniques ââ¬â Artificial Insemination, balanced diet, water, dry fodder, green fodder along with on-hands and practical knowledge on diseases ââ¬â diagnosis and general treatment, castration and vaccination.
iii. Crop Intensification and Mixed Cropping: 145 families from North Sikkim and 81 families from Kalimpong trained on Crop Intensification Techniques through Mixed Cropping and Square Meter Vegetable Garden.
iv. Climate Change Resilient Crops: 22 Cardamom Nurseries have been set up in 10 villages of North Sikkim where climate change resilient varieties of cardamom in propagated and promoted. The decline of cardamom production in Mangan ââ¬â North Sikkim was negatively influencing the livelihood of the communities who mostly comprised of tribals. Anugyalaya started its intervention to revive the production of cardamom in the region in 2013 and at present more than 300 families are producing high yielding varieties of climate change resilient cardamom in the area.
v. Bamboo Skills and Carpentry Workshops: Anugyalaya, so far has trained around 100 youths on bamboo skills, crafts and carpentry works through workshops in Kalimpong and Sikkim. The main concept behind conducting these trainings was to promote bamboo craftsmanship for better livelihood, use of locally available resources which are cost effective; to counter the effects of natural disasters like earthquake and landslides and over all promote integrated natural resource management by using bamboo components replacing reinforced concrete and steel.
A Bamboo Training cum Processing Unit has been set up at Anugyalaya Farms at Pakang village of Kalimpong Block II under Kalimpong Sub-division of the District of Darjeeling, West Bengal ââ¬â India
vi. Sensitization Program for the Youths on Forest, Wildlife Protection and Conservation Acts: Anugyalaya has also conducted various sensitization programs for the youths of Sikkim and Darjeeling on Forest, Wildlife Protection and Conservation Acts. 8 hoardings have been placed at different hotspots of 3 GPs of Kalimpong (Gitdubling, Nimbong and Lava-Gitbeong) to stop illegal hunting and fishing ââ¬â done in collaboration with the Department of Forest.
vii. Community Health Center: Anugyalaya has set up and is running a community health center in Santook Mirik GP of Algarah, Kalimpong Block II with the help of the community members. The basic facilities taken care by the Health Center set up by Anugyalaya with the help of the PHC of Algarah are immunization and vaccination of children, diagnosis and treatment of simple ailments, basic maternal and child health care, geriatric care, periodic health camps and necessary referrals.