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Aran Ngo In Keelapannangadi Tamil Nadu

Aran Ngo Information

ARAN Non Governmental Organization is located in KEELAPANNANGADI TAMIL NADU .

Registration Details

Registered With Sub-Registrar
Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government)
Registration No TN/33/2020
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name ARAN
City of Registration KEELAPANNANGADI
State of Registration TAMIL NADU
Date of Registration 18-08-2020

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

ARAN NGO Organization Members

RAJU ASOKAN SELVARAJSecretaryAvailableAvailable
AKILAESWARI SUBBAIAHTreasurerAvailableAvailable

ARAN Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2020-2021Not Specified1.To give counseling to any individuals, any families, any institutions, any government sectors local authorities, corporation, firms, companies or association for their well being. 2.To render help to the poor and needy for their funeral. 3.To establish and promote man power service to create jobs for any jobless Individuals. 4.To bring awareness among people to come forward to help save lives blood and organ donation.
Not SpecifiedAny Other2021-2022Not Specified1.To give counseling to any individuals, any families, any institutions, any government sectors local authorities, corporation, firms, companies or association for their well being. 2.To render help to the poor and needy for their funeral. 3.To establish and promote man power service to create jobs for any jobless Individuals. 4.To bring awareness among people to come forward to help save lives blood and organ donation.
Not SpecifiedAny Other2022-2023Not Specified1.To give counseling to any individuals, any families, any institutions, any government sectors local authorities, corporation, firms, companies or association for their well being. 2.To render help to the poor and needy for their funeral. 3.To establish and promote man power service to create jobs for any jobless Individuals. 4.To bring awareness among people to come forward to help save lives blood and organ donation.

Contact details

Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9789776242
Website Url Not Available
E-mail Aranlawmovement(at)gmail[dot]com

ARAN Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Madurai

Operational States: TAMIL NADU

AchieveMents: Children, Differently Abled, Education