Centre For Development Ahmedabad Ngo In Ahmedabad Gujarat

Centre For Development Ahmedabad Ngo Information
Registration Details
Registered With | Charity Commissioner |
Type of NGO | Trust (Non-Government) |
Registration No | F/5260/Ahmedabad |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 |
City of Registration | Ahmedabad |
State of Registration | GUJARAT |
Date of Registration | 25-01-1996 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 041910295Centre for Development Ahmedabad NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Meera Rafiyuddin Malek | President | Available | Available |
Azad Khimjibhai Mehta | Vice President | Available | Available |
MALEK TASLIMBANU SADRUDDIN | Secretary | Available | Available |
Sadhu Ramilaben Kandas | Member | Available | Available |
Badshah Ushmanbhai Kureshi | Member | Available | Available |
Misbah Naz Pathan | Member | Available | Available |
Radhikaben Bharatbhai Dave | Member | Available | Available |
Centre for Development Ahmedabad Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
Ministry of Women and Child Development | Central | 2016-2017 | 908000 | This grant CfD had received to run Child Help Desk was from Child India Foundation (CIF). CIF is a nodal agency to run helpline for children in need in the name of Childline 1098. Centre for Development is partner of CIF. |
Ministry of Women and Child Development | Central | 2017-2018 | 1676000 | This grant CfD had received to run Child Help Desk was from Child India Foundation (CIF). CIF is a nodal agency to run helpline for children in need in the name of Childline 1098. Centre for Development is partner of CIF. |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | No any grant has been received in this financial year. |
Ministry of Women and Child Development | Central | 2018-2019 | Not Specified | This project is supported by MInistry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Railways. Childline India Foundation is facilitating implementation of this project nationally. CfD is partnering with CIF and run this project at Kalupur Railway Station. |
Contact details
Address | 11, Aman Society, Rasulabad, Shah A Alam |
City | Ahmedabad |
State | GUJARAT |
Telephone | 079-26577016 |
Mobile No | 9825272146 |
Website Url | http://www.cfdngo.org |
cfd[dot]ad28(at)gmail.com |
Centre for Development Ahmedabad Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Ahmadabad
Operational States: GUJARAT
AchieveMents: Vocational training to more than 1500 youth Enrolled more than 1300 children in primary schools Life skill training to more than 300 adolescent girls Formed 80 child protection committees in Ahmedabad district Formed 210 Jan Jagruti Samilies in six districts Sensitized 350 police officials on Police, People and Social Harmony 2000 families got different benefits of government schemes 180 Adolescent Girls have been provided training on life skills Facilitating sponsorship for 284 orphans
Key Issues
Children, Education and Literacy, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation, Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Vocational Training, Women's Development and Empowerment, Youth Affairs, Civic Issues,- Motibai Devraj Kanyashala (advana) TrustAHMEDABAD, GUJARAT
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- Al Madad Habibi FoundationAHMEDABAD, GUJARAT
- Dasha Humad Digamber Jain Derasar TrustAHMEDABAD, GUJARAT
- Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science CentreAhmedabad, GUJARAT
- Chetna An Activity Of Nehru Foundation For DevAhmedabad, GUJARAT
- Karmakshetra Educational FoundationAhmedabad, GUJARAT
- Shree Mittal Education TrustAhmedabad, GUJARAT
- Indian Red Cross Society, A'bad Daskroi Taluka BranchAhmedabad, GUJARAT
- Centre For Green Mobility Ahmedabad In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Ahmedabad Export Import Development Association In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Pratham Ahmedabad Education Initiative In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Gujarat State Balkanji Bari Ahmedabad In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Lions Charitable Trust Ahmedabad In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Hare Krishna Movement Ahmedabad In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Catholic Church Ahmedabad In Ahmadabad Gujarat
- The Apostolic Carmel Society Of Ahmedabad In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Ahmedabad Jilla Samaj Kalyan Sangh In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Ahmedabad Womens Action Group In Ahmedabad Gujarat