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Centre For Fly Ash Research And Management Ngo In Delhi Delhi

Centre For Fly Ash Research And Management Ngo Information

Centre for Fly Ash Research and Management Non Governmental Organization is located in DELHI DELHI .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Companies
Type of NGO Private Sector Companies (Sec 8/25)
Registration No U73100DL2007NPL164215
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Section 25 companies
City of Registration DELHI
State of Registration DELHI
Date of Registration 04-06-2007

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Centre for Fly Ash Research and Management NGO Organization Members

VIMAL KUMARSecretaryAvailableAvailable
SURINDER JIT SIBALChairmanAvailableAvailable
RAM DAYAL GUPTATrusteeAvailableAvailable

Centre for Fly Ash Research and Management Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2014-2015Not SpecifiedInternal generation through training, seminar, conference and technical services. Purpose - To further propagate use of fly ash through human resource development by confidence building/ handholding and technology transfer activities for different utilizations of fly ash as well as to hold training programs, seminars
Not SpecifiedAny Other2015-2016Not SpecifiedInternal generation through training, seminar, conference and technical services. Purpose - To further propagate use of fly ash through human resource development by confidence building/ handholding and technology transfer activities for different utilizations of fly ash as well as to hold training programs, seminars
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not SpecifiedInternal generation through training, seminar, conference and technical services. Purpose - To further propagate use of fly ash through human resource development by confidence building/ handholding and technology transfer activities for different utilizations of fly ash as well as to hold training programs, seminars
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not SpecifiedInternal generation through training, seminar, conference and technical services. Purpose - To further propagate use of fly ash through human resource development by confidence building/ handholding and technology transfer activities for different utilizations of fly ash as well as to hold training programs, seminars
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not SpecifiedInternal generation through training, seminar, conference and technical services. Purpose - To further propagate use of fly ash through human resource development by confidence building/ handholding and technology transfer activities for different utilizations of fly ash as well as to hold training programs, seminars

Contact details

Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9313489407
Website Url Not Available
E-mail cfarm[dot]org(at)

Centre for Fly Ash Research and Management Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: New Delhi

Operational States: DELHI

AchieveMents: Major Activities To transfer technology, know-how and provide services of hand-holding, human resource development for economical and Eco-friendly handling, transportation and use of fly ash, a waste of thermal power plants. Technologies intervention in management, processing and re-use of C