Centre For Research In Rural And Indus Development Ngo In Chandigarh Chandigarh

Centre For Research In Rural And Indus Development Ngo Information
Centre For Research in Rural and Indus Development Non Governmental Organization is located in Chandigarh CHANDIGARH .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 428 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 |
City of Registration | Chandigarh |
State of Registration | CHANDIGARH |
Date of Registration | 28-07-1978 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 291420025Centre For Research in Rural and Indus Development NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
SHALINA MEHTA | Board Member | Available | Available |
RASHPAL MALHOTRA | Vice Chairman | Available | Available |
SUSHIL KUMAR MANGAL | Board Member | Available | Available |
Centre For Research in Rural and Indus Development Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 750000 | GENERAL SALARY GRANT |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 66900 | Micro-finance through SHGs in the Reduction of Women - A Comparative Study of Backward Districts of West Bengal and Punjab |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 149250 | Study on Social Security for the Migrant Workers in unorganized Sector of Urban Punjab |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 225000 | Women Representatives of PRISS in Implementing subsidized Prog.: Need of participatory Meeting |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 410222 | National Level Monitoring (NLM) in Haryana UKD |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 367500 | Issue of Minority Empowerment: A case study of Muslims in Pb. |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 225000 | Women in Unorganised Sector A study of Home based Women Hosiery workers in Ludhiana |
ICSSR NEW DELHI | Central | 2014-2015 | 135000 | Water Use Efficiency in Punjab-The Issue of Sustainability |
HUDCO | Central | 2014-2015 | 600000 | Capacity Building Activities of urban Development and Management in the State of Punjab |
NABARD | Central | 2014-2015 | 254000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supported under RIDF in Himachal Pradesh sponsored by NABARD |
NABARD | Central | 2014-2015 | 254000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supported under RIDF in Punjab sponsored by NABARD |
District Authority Sirmour | State | 2014-2015 | 415000 | Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi through District Authorities sponsored District Perspective Plan under BRGF in District Sirmour (H.P.) 2011-12 to 2016-17 |
Zila Prishad Hoshiarpur | State | 2014-2015 | 415000 | Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi through District Authorities sponsored District Perspective Plan under BRGF in District Hoshiarpur 2011-12 to 2016-17 |
District Authority Sirsa | State | 2014-2015 | 1300000 | Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi through District Authorities sponsored District Perspective Plan under BRGF in District Sirsa 2011-12 to 2016-17 |
Planning Department Chandigarh | State | 2014-2015 | 696500 | Evaluation of Plan Sch. in 11th Plan of UT Chd - proposed to be continued during 12th Five year Plan |
IL AND FS Social Inclusion Group Mumbai | State | 2014-2015 | 250000 | "Area Dev.Plan of Catchment of Kiratpur (Pb) - Ner Chowk (Mandi, HP) Highway Project." |
IIPA Mumbai | State | 2014-2015 | 73616 | Evaluation of Survey of Dhanlaxmi Scheme for Girls in Sirhind Block of Fatehgarh |
District Authority Mahendargarh | State | 2014-2015 | 1300000 | BRGF Capacity Building Plan Mahindergarh |
DC cum CEO Sirsa | State | 2014-2015 | 379896 | Project Mid Term Impact Assessment study under BRGF Scheme 2009-10 and 2011-12 |
Rural Development Department Jammu And Kashmir | State | 2014-2015 | 689000 | Annual Plan as per MoU under BRGF districts |
SIRD Mohali | State | 2014-2015 | 350000 | BRGF Capacity Building Plan Hoshiarpur |
Deparment of Director Urban Development Goverment of Himachal Pradesh | State | 2014-2015 | 644800 | Re orientation and Training to Elected Representatives Of Urban Local Bodies in HP |
State Farmers Commission Punjab | State | 2014-2015 | 280000 | Enhancing Income Level of Small Farmers and Rural Landless Workers in Punjab Through Buffalo Breed Improvement and Management |
Venture East Consulting Limited | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 457487 | Promotion of Sustained Clean Coal Technology Capacity in India |
Hans Sieldel Foundation | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 1769927 | Creation of Base Working on Issues on Panchayati Raj |
Asian Foundation | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 1704780 | Studies in the State of Punjab |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 17300000 | Annual Grant for Salary of CRRID |
Punjab State Planning Board | State | 2015-2016 | 7374000 | Annual Grant for Salary of CRRID |
Punjab State Planning Board | State | 2015-2016 | 4798000 | Annual Grant for Salary of CRRID |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 4000000 | Annual Grant for development of research activities of CRRID |
Punjab State Planning Board | State | 2015-2016 | 4000000 | Annual Grant for development of research activities of CRRID |
Department of Family Welfare New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 9355000 | Annual Grant for Salary of CRRID |
Ministry of Rural Development | Central | 2015-2016 | 600702 | Nationa Level Monitoring in Haryana Uttarkahand and Jammu and Kashmir |
Ministy of External Affairs New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 7329394 | Promotion of Cooperative Development in the countries of South and Central Asia |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 375000 | Educational Status of the Schedules Castes in HAryana |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 37500 | Potential Participation of SC and Women Representatives of PRISS in Implementing subsidized Program |
Ministry of Rural Development | Central | 2015-2016 | 600702 | Nationa Level Monitoring in Haryana Uttarkahand and Jammu and Kashmir |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 68467 | Women in Unorganised Sector A study of Home based Women Hosiery workers in Ludhiana |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 202500 | Water Use Efficiency in Punjab |
HUDCO | Central | 2015-2016 | 2450679 | Capacity Building Activities of urban Development and Management in the State of Punjab |
NABARD | Central | 2015-2016 | 635000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supportedunder RIDF in Himachal Pradesh |
NABARD | Central | 2015-2016 | 635000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supportedunder RIDF in Punjab |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 300000 | Orientation Programmes for Research Scholars and Faculity Members belonging to SC a other Marginal Group |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 800000 | Rural Transformation India after Liberalization |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 440000 | Access to Education amongst the Children residing in Orpahnages of Jammu and Kashmir |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 600000 | Central Asia Between Many Silk Roads Indian Policy at the Crossroads |
ICSSR New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 846000 | Capacity Building Programme for Social Science |
District Authority Mahendargarh | State | 2015-2016 | 325000 | BRGF Capacity Building Plan Mahindergarh |
SIRD Mohali | State | 2015-2016 | 2284166 | BRGF Capacity Building Plan Hoshiarpur |
State Farmers Commission Punjab | State | 2015-2016 | 418500 | Enhancing Income Level of Small Farmers and Rural Landless Workers in Punjab Through Buffalo Breed Improvement and Management |
Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan CHandigarh | State | 2015-2016 | 131120 | U SIDE Project sponsored by Sarv Siksha Abhiyan |
NABARD | Central | 2015-2016 | 500000 | Study on Agriculture Value Chain for Wheat in Surplus producing state of Haryana |
Director Welfare of SC and BC HAryana | State | 2015-2016 | 605000 | Ethnographic Study for Inclusion of some Communities in SC and ST in Haryana |
District Education Officer Chandigarh | State | 2015-2016 | 114000 | Evaluation of Mid Day Meal |
Additional Deputy Commissioner Hoshiarpur | State | 2015-2016 | 438000 | Baseline Survey of Villages Developments on Pradhan Mantri Aadarsh Gram Yojna |
Asian Foundation | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 146320 | Studies of the State of Punjab |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 19000000 | General Grant for Salary of CRRID |
Punjab State Planning Board | State | 2016-2017 | 36998000 | General Grant for Salary of CRRID |
Punjab State Planning Board | State | 2016-2017 | 4600000 | Grant for development of research activities of CRRID |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 4600000 | Grant for development of research activities of CRRID |
Minstry of Health and Family Welfare | Central | 2016-2017 | 10045000 | Grant for salary of PRC Staff at CRRID |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 248979 | Educational Status of the Schedules Castes in Haryana |
Ministry of Rural Development | Central | 2016-2017 | 827504 | National Level Monitoring in Haryana Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir |
HUDCO | Central | 2016-2017 | 600029 | Capacity Building Activities of urban Development and Management in the State of Punjab |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 381000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supported under RIDF in Himachal Pradesh |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 381000 | Impact of study on Irrigation and Roads and Bridges supported under RIDF in Punjab |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 392969 | Rural Transformation India after Liberalization in 12 states |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 440000 | Access to Education amongst the Children residing in Orpahnages of Jammu and Kashmir |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | Central | 2016-2017 | 168800 | Non Recurring Grant in aid for NRHM PIP Programme in 2016 |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 42475 | Deepening Democracy A Study on the Role of Local Self Institutions in North Indian States |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 66900 | Micro finance through SHGs in the Reduction of Women |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 600000 | Central Asia Between Many Silk Roads : Indian Policy at the Crossroads |
IASSI | Central | 2016-2017 | 397793 | Education and Development Issues: Challenges and Opportunities |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 225000 | Financial Inclusion Achievements and Challenges |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 1600000 | Dynamics of Drug Addiction and Abuse in North West India: Social, Economic and Political Implications |
ICSSR | Central | 2016-2017 | 94000 | Capacity building program for Social Science |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 500000 | Study on Agriculture Value Chain for Wheat in Surplus producing states of Haryana |
Directo Welfare of SC and BC Government of HAryana | State | 2016-2017 | 363000 | Ethnographic Study for Inclusion of some Communities in SC and ST |
DDC Poonch | State | 2016-2017 | 600000 | Preparation of BRGF Perspective and Annaul Plan in Districts of Ramban Kupwara and Poonch |
Rural Development and Panchayats Chandigarh | State | 2016-2017 | 200000 | Imparting Training to the Elected Representatives of PRIs in UT |
Deputy Commissioner Hoshiarpur | State | 2016-2017 | 1242000 | Baseline survey of Villages Developments on Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna |
Joint Development COmmissioner Government of Punjab | State | 2016-2017 | 700000 | Impact of Direct Beneficiary Transfer and Intensive Participatory Plan Exercise on Demand and inclusion in MGNREGA in State of Punjab |
State Institute of Rural Development Government of Punjab | State | 2016-2017 | 1500000 | Study on Evaluation of Training Programmes on PRIs in Punjab |
Director RuralDevelopment CHandigarh | State | 2016-2017 | 200000 | Preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan GPDP for Training to PRIs in UT Chandigarh 2016-17 |
Director Social Security and Women and Child Welfare Department Punjab | State | 2016-2017 | 277500 | Children staying Homes under Juvenile Justice Act in the State of Punjab |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 378400 | Farmers Producing Organizations and Agri marketing |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 200000 | Rural Credit and Financial Penetration in Punjab |
National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad | Central | 2016-2017 | 500500 | Study of Panchayati Raj Institutions PRIs in in the States of Punjab Haryana HP and J |
Punjab State Planning Board Chandigarh | State | 2017-2018 | 10000000 | Salary Grant for the sanctioned staff. |
District Development Commissioner Poonchh Jammu and Kashmir | State | 2017-2018 | 800000 | Preparation of BRGF Annual and Perspective Plans |
Director Welfare of SC and ST Govt of Haryana | State | 2017-2018 | 242000 | Study of SC and ST in Haryana |
Director Social Security and Women and Child Welfare Govt of Punjab | State | 2017-2018 | 167000 | Access the need and reach of the Juvenile Justice act in the State of Punjab |
NABARD | State | 2017-2018 | 189000 | FPOâs under produce and non produce Setup of Punjab |
National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad | State | 2017-2018 | 2000000 | Assessment and evaluation of assets created under MGNREGA and their impact on direct and indirect |
National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad | State | 2017-2018 | 173000 | Document for best practices undertaken in the Swacchh Bharat Mission in two panchayats of Haryana and three Gram Panchayats of Punjab |
North Zone Cultural Centre Patiala | State | 2017-2018 | 92000 | Publication of seminar |
Punjab State Farmers Commision Mohali | State | 2017-2018 | 150000 | Seminar held |
Milk Fed Punjab | State | 2017-2018 | 50000 | Seminar held on 14-15 September 2017 |
NABARD Mumbai | State | 2017-2018 | 149000 | Publication of Seminar held on 14-15 September 2017 |
ADC Hoshiarpur | State | 2017-2018 | 140000 | Village development plans in District Hoshiarpur |
Society for Development Alternatives New Delhi | State | 2017-2018 | 35000 | Study on HBF Communicating the Transition |
Indian Council of Social Science | Central | 2017-2018 | 19000000 | SALARY GRANT |
Indian Council of Social Science | Central | 2017-2018 | 5400000 | MAINTENANCE GRANT |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | Central | 2017-2018 | 11446000 | SALARY GRANT PRC STAFF |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | Central | 2017-2018 | 168000 | Primary Health centre of Punjab State |
Indian Council of Social Science Research | Central | 2017-2018 | 135000 | Seminar on " Social Science Research and Policy" held in CRRID on 23-25 Mar 2017 |
HUDCO | Central | 2017-2018 | 650000 | Training Programmes on Research Methodology |
Ministry of Rural Development Government of India | Central | 2017-2018 | 1162000 | Assessment and monitoring of key rural development programme and schemes being implemented gram panchayats verified in states |
IASSI | Central | 2017-2018 | 75000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Director Rural Development Department of UT Chandigarh | Central | 2017-2018 | 200000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 4000000 | Under Process |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 180000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 225000 | Proceeding Submitted |
National Human Rights Commission New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 1100000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 25000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Rural Development and Panchayats UT Chandigarh | Central | 2017-2018 | 300000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 180000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 180000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 940000 | Proceeding Submitted |
NIUA New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 527000 | Proceeding Submitted |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 550000 | In Process |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 752000 | In Process |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 800000 | In Process |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 500000 | In Process |
Indian Council of Social Science New Delhi | Central | 2017-2018 | 200000 | In Process |
Presidential RANEPA Moscow | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 583000 | Proceeding Submitted |
University of Guelph Canada | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 1169000 | In Process |
Asia Climate Change Education South Korea | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 290000 | In Process |
District Development Commissioner Poonch Jammu and Kashmir | State | 2018-2019 | 1111000 | Preparation of BRGF annual and Perspective Plans |
NABARD | Central | 2018-2019 | 378000 | FPOâs under produce and non produce Setup of Punjab |
UT CHANDIGARH | Central | 2018-2019 | 138000 | Study on Mid Day Meal |
Joint Development Commissioner Punjab | State | 2018-2019 | 300000 | Joint Development Commissioner Sponsored Study: Impact of Direct Beneficiary Transfer and Inclusive Participatory of Demand and Inclusions in the State of Punjab |
State Institute of Rural Development Mohali | State | 2018-2019 | 355000 | Study on Social Impact of Landran Chunni Sirhind Road. |
State Institute of Rural Development Mohali | State | 2018-2019 | 1551000 | Study on Social Impact of Bilaspur-Bhanopali Rail Link |
Indian Council of Social Science Research | Central | 2018-2019 | 20300000 | Salary Grant of CRRID |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 6500000 | Maintenance Grant of CRRID |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 10076000 | Salary Grant of PRC Staff at CRRID |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 168000 | PIP Monitoring Programme in Punjab |
HUDCO HSMI New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 1060000 | Training Programs and Workshops |
Ministry of Rural Development Government of India | Central | 2018-2019 | 1464000 | National Level Monitoring Project in the States of Rajasthan UP Sikkim Assam AP Manipur |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 75000 | International Conference on Mountain Cities Climate Change and Urban Sustainability |
National Human Rights Commission New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 1100000 | Status of Right to Education in Universities and Colleges of Delhi Punjab and Haryana |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 940000 | Two Week Capacity Building Program in Social Science |
National Institute of Urban Affairs New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 527000 | Third Party Assessment of Implementation of Reforms under AMRUT |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 550000 | Issues and Problems of Elderly A study of Chandigarh |
Indian Council of Social Science Research | Central | 2018-2019 | 752000 | What is Industrial Development A study of Major Industrial Clusters in Punjab |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 800000 | Survival of Surviving A study of Widows of Farmers Suicide Victims in Punjab |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 500000 | Women Mobility And Public Transport |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi and NABARD | Central | 2018-2019 | 326000 | National Seminar on Policy and Technological Options for Doubling Farmer Income |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 411000 | Conference on Asia in transition a Biennial Conference on IAAPS |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 198000 | Study on Farmer Suicide |
Ministry of Housing Development | Central | 2018-2019 | 1522000 | Capacity Building Training Programs |
National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad | Central | 2018-2019 | 1000000 | Assessment of the Assets constructed under MGNREGA |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 5000000 | PLAN GRANT UNDER HEAD OH-31 DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES |
Punjab State Planning Board Govt of Punjab | State | 2019-2020 | 5500000 | PLAN GRANT UNDER HEAD OH-31 DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES on matching basis with ICSSR |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt of India | Central | 2019-2020 | 10392000 | Salary grant to PRC staff at CRRID |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt of India | Central | 2019-2020 | 464200 | PIP support in health services |
Ministry of Rural Development Govt of India | Central | 2019-2020 | 850748 | Monitoring of rural development activities |
Indian Council of Social Science Research | Central | 2019-2020 | 800000 | Status of drug addiction and abuse in the four states |
Nation Institute of Rural Development | State | 2019-2020 | 313200 | Social Science |
Social Security and Women Child Welfare Department Punjab | State | 2019-2020 | 55500 | Research Study on Children staying homes under Juvenile Justice Act in the State of Punjab |
District Education Officer Chandigarh | State | 2019-2020 | 138180 | Conducting Social Audit Mid Day Meal Scheme in twenty schools in Chandigarh |
National Commission for Women New Delhi | State | 2019-2020 | 85462 | Study on Women Mobility and Public Transport |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 18561 | Seminar held on policy and technological options of doubling farmers income |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 514802 | Research Methodology programme for PhD and M Phil students |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 27125 | Seminar held |
Ministry of Rural Development Govt of India New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 146656 | Study conducted and report submitted to the Ministry |
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Govt of India New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 102016 | Capacity building training programme Punjab -CAPSULE- III |
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Govt of India New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 507988 | Capacity building training programme Punjab -CAPSULE- III |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 320000 | IMPRESS study on socio cultural dynamics of child immunization perspectives from muslims of Punjab |
Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi | Central | 2019-2020 | 650000 | Fellowship to PhD research scholars |
District Forest Officer Punjab | State | 2019-2020 | 268400 | Social Impact of self help group in the state of Haryana |
National Institue of Rural Development Hyderabad | State | 2019-2020 | 122500 | Study of Documentation of best practices in rural sanitation and solid and waste material in gram panchayats of Punjab and Haryana |
Additional Commissioner Hoshiarpur | State | 2019-2020 | 105000 | Baseline survey of 50 villages development on pradhan mantra adarsh gram yojna report submitted |
NABARD MUMBAI | State | 2019-2020 | 470820 | Study of identifying the most remunerative combination regions in Haryana: A spatial temporal analysis by CRRID |
NABARD MUMBAI | State | 2019-2020 | 770000 | Prospects of biomass renewable energy for agriculture activities in Punjab |
Director Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Haryana | State | 2019-2020 | 421000 | Preparation of state agriculture infrastructure development proggrame under scheme of rashtriya krishi vikas yojna for 2019-20 - ONGOING |
State Institute of Rural Development Govt of Punjab Mohali | State | 2019-2020 | 888800 | Conduct of social impact assessment from land acquisition in connection with Rajpura, Bathinda doubling farming programme |
Government of Punjab | State | 2019-2020 | 2650000 | International conference on Guru Nanak Dev to spread peace harmony and human happiness |
NABARD Chandigarh | State | 2019-2020 | 353200 | Three days conference on Global Framework in the local context |
UNDP and Government of Haryana | State | 2019-2020 | 125000 | Saksham and saksham plus yojana in Haryana |
State Institute of Rural Development Govt of Punjab | State | 2019-2020 | 2594250 | Training programme of newly elected representatives of zila parishad and panchayat samitis of Punjab |
Food and Agriculture Organization New Delhi | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 453129 | Access capacity gaps pertaining to agri bio diversity and identify opportunities to mitigate impact of current practices of agriculture and allied sectors on agriculture bio diversity conservation management and use |
Food and Agriculture Organization New Delhi | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1078000 | Conducting a survey on rice reduce management and a landscape study in rice wheat system in Punjab and Haryana |
High Commissioner Canada New Delhi | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 944000 | Roundtable talk on safe and legal migration to Canada |
Contact details
Address | Plot No. 2-A, Sector 19-A, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh |
City | Chandigarh |
Telephone | Not Available |
Mobile No | 9855502283 |
Website Url | http://www.crrid.res.in/ |
crridaccounts(at)gmail[dot]com |
Centre For Research in Rural and Indus Development Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Chandigarh
Operational States: CHANDIGARH
AchieveMents: It is among the twenty seven research institutes in the country funded by ICSSR and enjoys the distinction of being the only one of its kind in the North Western State of Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Punjab and Chandigarh
Key Issues
Agriculture, Drinking Water, Education and Literacy, Health and Family Welfare, Any Other,- Youth Technical Training SocietyChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Pracheen Kala KendraChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Eidos Learning Systems Pvt LtdChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- YuvsattaChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- ArtscapesChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Don Bosco NavjeevanChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Shanti Devi Memorial Institute Of Language ChandigarhCHANDIGARH, CHANDIGARH
- Strategic Institute For Public Health, Education And Research (sipher)Chandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Dr B R Ambedkar Education Society ChandigarhChandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Jan Jagrti Society ChandigarhCHANDIGARH, CHANDIGARH
Other Ngos in Chandigarh, CHANDIGARH
- Indus Education And Research Centre In Jind Haryana
- Indus Education And Research Institute In Raipur Chhattisgarh
- Indus Green Estates And Projects Private Limited In East Delhi Delhi
- Indus Education And Social Welfare Trust In Nuh Haryana
- Indus Charity In Bangalore Karnataka
- Indus Action Initaitives In Delhi Delhi
- Indus Trust In Bangalore Karnataka
- Indus Edutrain Pvt. Ltd In Bangalore Karnataka
- Indus University In Ahmedabad Gujarat
- Indus Sindhu Organisation In Delhi Delhi