Chetna An Activity Of Nehru Foundation For Dev Ngo In Ahmedabad Gujarat

Chetna An Activity Of Nehru Foundation For Dev Ngo Information
CHETNA an activity of Nehru Foundation for Dev Non Governmental Organization is located in Ahmedabad GUJARAT .
Registration Details
Registered With | Charity Commissioner |
Type of NGO | Trust (Non-Government) |
Registration No | E 1408 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Nehru Foundation fro Development A/C CHETNA |
City of Registration | Ahmedabad |
State of Registration | GUJARAT |
Date of Registration | 21-05-1965 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 041910042CHETNA an activity of Nehru Foundation for Dev NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Ms Pallavi Patel Director | Chief Functionary | Available | Available |
Mr AR Nanda | Chairman | Available | Available |
Mr TK Balappan | Secretary | Available | Available |
Mr DN Surati | Treasurer | Available | Available |
CHETNA an activity of Nehru Foundation for Dev Source Funds
No Source Fund found for this NGO |
Contact details
Address | Centre for Health Education Training and Nutrition Awareness Supath II Block B 3rd Floor Opp Vadaj Bus Terminus Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380013 |
City | Ahmedabad |
State | GUJARAT |
Telephone | 079-27559976 |
Mobile No | 9924213136 |
Website Url | |
chetna(at)chetnaindia[dot]org |
CHETNA an activity of Nehru Foundation for Dev Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Mahesana, Navsari , Panch Mahals, Sabar Kantha, Surat, Surendranagar, Valsad,Bhind, Neemuch
AchieveMents: CHETNA is a unique resource organisation provides support to Government and Civil Society organisations raising health and nutrition consciousness among women youth and children from disadvantaged social sections Striving for comprehensive gender sensitive policies at state national regional and international levels and networking globally to build strategic partnerships CHETNA Information and Documentation Centre provides healthdevelopment informationknowledge to personsorganisations Vision CHETNA envisions an equitable society where disadvantaged people are empowered to live creative fulfilling and healthy lives Mission CHETNA contributes towards empowering children young people and women especially from marginalized social groups to take control of their own their families and communities health Approach CHETNAs approach to health embraces the life cycle of gender equity and human rights within the wide cultural economic and political environment Issues addressed Enhancing value of girl child Optimising health and development in early childhood Ensuring equitable school health initiatives Promoting sexual health rights responsibilities of youth Improving maternal health reducing death disease and disability linked with pregnancy and childbirth Building food security and improving nutrition Recent Achievements Recommended a draft for State Level Youth Policy for Governments of Gujarat and Rajasthan GOR has accepted it to form State Youth Policy Contributed towards National Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls Recommendations on issues of Nutrition Child Rights Adolescents and young people accepted by Government of India during formation of Eleventh Five Year Plan Regularly contributes in formation of policies like State and National Population Policies State Women Empowerment Policy Global Leader in Early Childhood Care and Development to represent India by World Forum Foundation US Recognised as Regional Resource Centre for Reproductive and Child Health Programme Built capacities of 25 NGOs on RCH reaching out to populations in unserved underserved areas in Gujarat Contributed in mobilizing media and political will by advocating with policy makers to bring focus on crucial issues concerning girl child and Child sex ratio in Gujarat Forged partnerships with corporate sector GOs NGOs CBOs health functionaries local self governments researchers teachers and leaders in Gujarat Rajasthan impacting health seeking behaviour on Declining Sex Ratio Early Marriage Reproductive and Sexual Rights of Adolescents Piloted interventions in partnership with GOI evolving community based mechanisms resulting in 70 percent institutional deliveries in Navsari a tribal District of Gujarat Developed a module Book 5 and organised trainings to strengthen ASHA as Health Activist to support implementation of NRHM Received recognition at different forums recent awards Banyan Tree Value Challenge Award Asian Forum for Corporate Social Responsibility 2008 NGO of the year Modern Medicare Excellence Award 2006 NASSCOM India IT Users Award Best IT User NGO Category 2005 National Commission for Women Award for Outstanding Contribution for Promoting Cause of Women 2002
Key Issues
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