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Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash Ngo In Berhampur Orissa

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash Ngo Information

DIVYA JYOTI MAHILA VIKASH Non Governmental Organization is located in Berhampur ORISSA .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No GJM No: 6260-21 of 2001-2002
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name SRA
City of Registration Berhampur
State of Registration ORISSA
Date of Registration 10-05-2001

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: Regd under FCRA


Bade GOPAMMAPresidentAvailableAvailable
Sourapalli GayatriSecretaryAvailableAvailable
KOMARA KALAMMAExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
LANDA DAMAYANTIExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
LANDA KORLAMMAExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Kanda KaramaTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Magupuli AnkamaExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable


Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedState2013-2014Not Specified0
Not SpecifiedCentral2013-2014Not Specified0
Education and youthOverseas2013-2014Not SpecifiedNourish International
Not SpecifiedState2014-2015Not Specified0
Not SpecifiedCentral2014-2015Not Specified0
Community centre and livelihoodsOverseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedVIEWS
Not SpecifiedState2015-2016Not Specified0
livelihoodsCentral2015-2016Not SpecifiedVIEWS
livelihoodsOverseas2015-2016Not SpecifiedVIEWS

Contact details

Address At/Po: MarkandiBerhampur, Dist : Ganjam.Orissa. India.Pin NO: 760003E-mail: diyva_jyoti@rediffmail.comCell No:91 09777141686web site:
City Berhampur
Telephone 0680-2242355
Mobile No 8895788707
Website Url
E-mail djmv[dot]ngo(at)

DIVYA JYOTI MAHILA VIKASH Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Ganjam

Operational States: ORISSA

AchieveMents: Diva Jyoti Mahila Vikash visualizes a self reliant and self sustaining community where the people live responsible for a just and equal society. Mission Statement : To help empower communities & cultivating self reliance through innovate education & livelihood initiatives for improve social and economic development of the less privileged women and children. Objectives : 1. To contribute to the sustained education and support of vulnerable children. 2. To communally identify the major challenges affecting the women & youth like HIV/AIDS, Unemployment and Poverty and possibly find lasting solutions to them through a participatory approach. 3. To promote the deepening of faith and cultural values that supports a high degree of moral behavior and gender sensitive society. 4. To fight against social injustice, exploitation, inequality and form of oppression prevailing in the society and assist bellow poverty line people of the society for their socio-economic development and build a healthy and just society. 5. To encourage and cooperate for the growth of village level institutions of the rural people to take up various awareness campaigns and capacity building of CBOs at grass root level.