Evergreen Eureka Key Issues and
Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts:
Operational States:
AchieveMents: Evergreen Eureka Has Been Working On The Issues Mainly On poverty Eradication , HIV/Aids Awareness Porgramme ,Literecy Programme,Female Child Education Programme Womandelopment And Empowerment Mal Nutrition Eradication Programeme Helth And famliy Welfire ETC AffterWorkin On The Above Subjects The NGO Has Reached On The Point By ites Research That untill And Un less Our Growing Population Is Stabilised We Can Not Find The abvobe mentioned problem Solved finally, in tts reseurch the ngo has Found That Population Stabilisation has a this effect of increasing gender rato so the organisation has done a comprehenssive reseasrch and found amethaod how to stabilisepopulation without female fortyside and the organisation is doing this work by its limited resources