Fateh Educational Society Non Governmental Organization is located in Jandiala GuruPUNJAB .
Registration Details
Registered With
Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO
Academic Institutions (Private)
Registration No
XXI 1860
Copy of Registration Certificate
Copy of Pan Card
Act name
Punjab Amendment act. 1957
City of Registration
Jandiala Guru
State of Registration
Date of Registration
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO
Fateh Educational Society NGO Organization Members
Lakhwinder Singh Randhawa
Financial Officer
Jagbir Singh
Ravinder Kaur
Fateh Educational Society Source Funds
Department Name
Finacial Year
Amount Sanctioned
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
IFA is a private school run by Mr Jagbir Singh. He is the propelling force behind the working of the School and towards developing dynamic and successful individuals. Having a vision to build a school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students..
School fixes and collect just and permissible school fees from parents without violating the academic autonomy. This the source of finance of the school.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
IFA is a private school run by Mr Jagbir Singh. He is the propelling force behind the working of the School and towards developing dynamic and successful individuals. Having a vision to build a school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students..
School fixes and collect just and permissible school fees from parents without violating the academic autonomy. This the source of finance of the school.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
IFA is a private school run by Mr Jagbir Singh. He is the propelling force behind the working of the School and towards developing dynamic and successful individuals. Having a vision to build a school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students..
School fixes and collect just and permissible school fees from parents without violating the academic autonomy. This the source of finance of the school.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
IFA is a private school run by Mr Jagbir Singh. He is the propelling force behind the working of the School and towards developing dynamic and successful individuals. Having a vision to build a school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students..
School fixes and collect just and permissible school fees from parents without violating the academic autonomy. This the source of finance of the school.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
IFA is a private school run by Mr Jagbir Singh. He is the propelling force behind the working of the School and towards developing dynamic and successful individuals. Having a vision to build a school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students..
School fixes and collect just and permissible school fees from parents without violating the academic autonomy. This the source of finance of the school.
Contact details
International Fateh Academy , Academy road, jandiala guru, Devidas pura, Amritsar.