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Gopi Yuva Mandal Ngo In Allahabad Uttar Pradesh

Gopi Yuva Mandal Non Governmental Organization is located in Allahabad UTTAR PRADESH .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 1378/2009-2010
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Society act 21,1860
City of Registration Allahabad
State of Registration UTTAR PRADESH
Date of Registration 18-01-2010

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Gopi Yuva Mandal NGO Organization Members

Chakrapani ShuklaPresidentAvailableAvailable
Priyanchal ShuklaJoint SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Sameeksha SinghMemberAvailableAvailable
Kajal TripathiSecretaryAvailableAvailable

Gopi Yuva Mandal Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2014-2015Not Specifiedcultural and social
Not SpecifiedAny Other2015-2016Not Specifiedcultural and social
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not Specifiedcultural and social
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not Specifiedcultural and social

Gopi Yuva Mandal Contact details

Address Vill-Aladatpur, Post-Anapur, Block-Kaurihar, Dist-Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. Pin-228411
City Allahabad
Telephone 0532-2545041
Mobile No 9838627758
Website Url Not Available
E-mail gopiyuvamandal(at)gmail[dot]com

Gopi Yuva Mandal Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts:

Operational States:

AchieveMents: Gopi Yuva Mandal Allahabad is registered Society. It is registered under Society Registration Act 21,1860 .It was registered on dated 18th January two thousand ten at the regional office of Firm Society and chits in Allahabad of Uttar Pradesh. Validity of the registration certificate is till 18th January 2020.From its inception Society is providing its services in different fields. Our society is conducting different types of activities in rural and urban areas of district Allahabad. Different types of problems are increasing day by day in our society. It is our moral duty to do some social work among community for removing the problems. Our society has taken a stand to run different activities in society. The activities which has been carried out by the society in financial year 2015-2016 is mention under. 1.AWARENESS PROGRAMME Awareness is a second chain of education .Our success is depend on education.Development of our country is depend on edujcation .It is need of our country to expand the literacy rate.Rural literacy rate of our counry is very poor.Rural women are not getting education.Their life style is closed in corner of house fence.Women are needed to educate so they promote thier children towards education.Our society conducted five awareness programme at five different places. 2.WORKSHOP ON PANCHAYATI RAJ. System of Panchayat is very old arrangement of villages.Panchayat is a system which solved the problems of local people.responsibility of village development is in hand of panchayat.Some important works have been given to panchayat representative .with purpose to give prop;er information under panchayati raj systems our society organise two workshop in Allahabad District. 3.WOMEN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. Looking the need and necessity of the programme ,our soiety organised women development programme in rural villages of Allahabad .under the programme society provided a message to villagers “ Save and See future”Addressing the participants secretary of the society said women have a habbit to save money .we should not run behind the glammers. 4.VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES. Most people of our counry is unskilled.they are facing problem in life .therefore different types of new problems are increasing very fast in our scarcity of money we are not sending our children to schnool.They are working hard but getting very few.This systems of our country should be removed .One should be skilled.Looking the necessity of training our society started three months computer training programmes to boys and girls. 5.CULTURAL PROGRAMMES Gopi Yuva Mandal organised two cultural programme on the day of his foundation on dated 18th January 2016 at the head office of the organisation.Roal play against dowry system was played on the munch.Addressing the people secretary of the society said cultural programme is good resources to give the realistic picture of the society to people.