Haiderpur Shelter Of Malda Ngo In Malda West Bengal

Haiderpur Shelter Of Malda Ngo Information
Haiderpur Shelter of Malda Non Governmental Organization is located in Malda WEST BENGAL .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | S/IL/19/88 of 2003-2004 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | West Bengal Society Registration Act 1961 |
City of Registration | Malda |
State of Registration | WEST BENGAL |
Date of Registration | 05-01-2004 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 147030043Haiderpur Shelter of Malda NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Manmay Mukherjee | Chief Functionary | Available | Available |
Siddhartha Gangopadhyay | President | Available | Available |
Ranjit Musaddi | Secretary | Available | Available |
Jayabrata Saha | Treasurer | Available | Available |
Biplab Paul | Asisstant Secretary | Available | Available |
Kuntal Mukhopadhyay | Member | Available | Available |
Joykumar Sinha | Member | Available | Available |
Haiderpur Shelter of Malda Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disability | Central | 2021-2022 | 2841000 | Welfare for Persons with Disabilities |
Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities | Central | 2020-2021 | 2464669 | For Welfare of persons with disabilities. |
Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities | Central | 2019-2020 | 2211000 | For welfare of Persons with Disabilities. |
Contact details
Address | Haiderpur Shelter of Malda Maheshmati(West), Behind Bikram Club, P.O. |
City | Malda |
Telephone | 03512-323367 |
Mobile No | 9434154314 |
Website Url | http://www.shelterofmalda.in |
haiderpurshelterofmalda(at)rediffmail[dot]com |
Haiderpur Shelter of Malda Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Maldah
Operational States: WEST BENGAL
AchieveMents: Residential home for destitute chldren,Residential school for Mentally retarded children, CHILDLINE 1098 Services, Cateract Surgery Programme, Rural Ambulance Service, Reproductive child health - II,protection of women for domestic violence act, Voluntary Blood DOnation Camp, HIV/Aids Awarness Camp, Vaccination Centre for child and pragnant mother, Child Adoption Programme, JCL Home, Disable Welfare Prog, Counselling Centre for Adolscence, Charitable Dispensary, Cable TV Live Programme on Hralth "HELLO DACTARBABU" on every sunday, Distribution Centre for artifical limbs, Assistance to disabled persons for fitting aids / appliances
Key Issues
Children, Education and Literacy, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Legal Awareness and Aid, Nutrition, Vocational Training,- Rajadighi Community Health Service SocietyMalda, WEST BENGAL
- Dharara Gram Seva SansthaMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- South Malda Social Welfare TrustMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- Bangla Skill Development MissionMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- Malda Progressive Health Awarness SocietyMalda, WEST BENGAL
- Student And Social Welfare OrganisationMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- Kaliachak Rural Study Centre And LibraryMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- Islamic Educational Welfare AssociationMalda, WEST BENGAL
- North Kumedpur Jyotirmoy Development SocietyMALDA, WEST BENGAL
- South Malda Bamongram Welfare Society And LibraryMALDA, WEST BENGAL
Other Ngos in Malda, WEST BENGAL
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