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Harvest India Ngo In Bangalore Karnataka

Harvest India Ngo Information

HARVEST INDIA Non Governmental Organization is located in Bangalore KARNATAKA .

Registration Details

Registered With Sub-Registrar
Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government)
Registration No 567/93-94
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name 1862
City of Registration Bangalore
State of Registration KARNATAKA
Date of Registration 01-10-1993

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 094420998

HARVEST INDIA NGO Organization Members

Samuel JacobPresidentAvailableAvailable
John PhilipTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Mamatha JacobSecretaryAvailableAvailable


Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not Specified Received Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2018-2019Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2018-2019Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2019-2020Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives
Not SpecifiedAny Other2020-2021Not SpecifiedReceived Foreign and local contribution to help and educate needy children for their education and used for Church actives

Contact details

Address 37 Esther Harmony N Nagenahalli Kothanur Post
City Bangalore
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9731874773
Website Url
E-mail jacobsam1963(at)gmail[dot]com

HARVEST INDIA Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Bangalore

Operational States: KARNATAKA

AchieveMents: Social Services, Seminars, Training Programs among Christian Community, Vocational training programs for Children, Training the Students in the Knowledge of Bible, Counseling families and youngsters and help them to develop character