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Institute Of Handicraft Development Ngo In Golaghat Assam

Institute Of Handicraft Development Ngo Information

Institute of Handicraft Development Non Governmental Organization is located in Golaghat ASSAM .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No RS/GOLA/239/A/38
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name 1860
City of Registration Golaghat
State of Registration ASSAM
Date of Registration 08-03-2002

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Institute of Handicraft Development NGO Organization Members

Pankaj Kumar SarmaGeneral SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Pobitra SaikiaExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Malobika SaikiaExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
NIJORA GOSWAMIChairmanAvailableAvailable
MOMI BORMANExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
NITUL KOLITAExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
ABONI BORMANExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
ANJUWARA BEGUMAcademic AdministratorAvailableAvailable

Institute of Handicraft Development Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Public HealthState2016-2017124157Already Settlement.
DRDA GOLAGHATState2016-201740000already Settelment.
NABARD Central2015-201634320Already Settlement.
NABARDCentral2014-2015105000Already Settlement.
Development Commissioner HandicraftCentral2014-2015449700Already Settlement.
NABARDCentral2014-201520000Already Settlement.
District Cultural Office State2014-201510000Already Settlement.
Public Health State2015-2016490200Already Settlement.
NYKSCentral2015-201610000Already Complete.
NABARDCentral2016-2017115500Already Settlement.
IPTAState2016-201735000Already Done.
Fees from StudentState2016-2017100000Already Done.
Public DonetionState2016-201768200Already Complete.

Contact details

Address Vill Dhodang Laubhonga PO Dhodang via Baruabamun Gaon Pin 785618
City Golaghat
Telephone 03774-286435
Mobile No 9854250425
Website Url
E-mail pankajsarma04(at)gmail[dot]com

Institute of Handicraft Development Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Golaghat, Jorhat, Sivasagar

Operational States: ASSAM

AchieveMents: The Organization is working for the Development of Artisans and weaker Section of its own jurisdiction. The Organization has performed various programmes related to the development of Handicraft from its own sources, with Govt. fund and with the help of the agencies like Jute Service Center N.Y.K, Golaghat, DICC, Golaghat and DRDA, Golaghat and Jorhat, NABARD, DC(H), Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Govt. of India etc. The organization is regularly organization Handicraft Training programmes, Awareness programmes etc.with a view to encourage and enhance the artisans of the District. To promote economic activities the organization is forming Self Help Groups among the artisans as well as rural peoples. The organization is also helping the Artisans to receive higher training in their respective crafts at Guwahati Ahmedabad Agortola ect. The Organization is also participating various exhibitions in the State as outside with a view to market observation such as IITF-2003 International Trade Fair, Guwahati; National Trade fair, Guwahati; Gram shree Mela, Golaghat etc. IHD successfully completed Craft Bazaar at Dulijan under the Grant-in-Aid, DC(H), Ministry of Textile Govt. of India. Also organized other Grant-in Scheme of DC(H), Innovative Design Training programme, Design & Technical Development Workshop, Exhibition different place of Golaghat District. IHD distributed more then near about 2000 Rajiv Gandhi Silpi Swathaya Bima Yojana with the help of M & SEC, o/o DC(H) Jorhat. IHD completed a base line survey to identify the cluster areas of Golaghat Central and North Development Block. IHD has a permanent cell to Display the Handicraft at Kajiranga National park and also has a authorized Handicraft sales center at Golaghat. IHD running a AHVY project under Development commissioner (H) under Ministry of Textiels Govt. of India for the cluster development of Dhekiel, Kakodunga, & Amguri, Dergaon.