ISKCON Food Relief Foundation NGO Organization Members
Kushal Narendra Desai
Sanjiv Surendraprakash Maheshwari
Kunjan Natvarlal Gandhi
ISKCON Food Relief Foundation Source Funds
Department Name
Finacial Year
Amount Sanctioned
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Annamrita Foundation has not received any govt. grant as such. Annamrita cooks and supplies midday meals to school children under the midday meal scheme of govt. Providing high quality nutritious food to children costs more than the amount envisaged by the govt. scheme. Further enhancements for the cost escalations from the govt. often lag behind.
Donations from corporates and high net worth individuals help us fill this gap.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Annamrita Foundation has not received any govt. grant as such. Annamrita cooks and supplies midday meals to school children under the midday meal scheme of govt. Providing high quality nutritious food to children costs more than the amount envisaged by the govt. scheme. Further enhancements for the cost escalations from the govt. often lag behind.
Donations from corporates and high net worth individuals help us fill this gap.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Annamrita Foundation has not received any govt. grant as such. Annamrita cooks and supplies midday meals to school children under the midday meal scheme of govt. Providing high quality nutritious food to children costs more than the amount envisaged by the govt. scheme. Further enhancements for the cost escalations from the govt. often lag behind.
Donations from corporates and high net worth individuals help us fill this gap.
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Annamrita Foundation has not received any govt. grant as such. Annamrita cooks and supplies midday meals to school children under the midday meal scheme of govt. Providing high quality nutritious food to children costs more than the amount envisaged by the govt. scheme. Further enhancements for the cost escalations from the govt. often lag behind.
Donations from corporates and high net worth individuals help us fill this gap.
ISKCON Food Relief Foundation Key Issues and
Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Mumbai
Operational States: MAHARASHTRA
AchieveMents: Annamrita Foundation is a non profit non religious non sectarian public charitable trust The Midday Meals are being served by Annamrita in government aided as well as non-aided schools to the poorest of poor children across the nation The work is done without any commercial motive and the benefits are available to needy students at large without any discrimination on the grounds of religion caste creed or gender