After the Kerala Floods in 2018, KECT has involved in Disaster Response activities in partnership with National NGOs like Humanitarian Aid International (HAI), Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, etc.and individuals.
Karickam Educational Charitable Trust Key Issues and
Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Kollam
Operational States: KERALA
AchieveMents: 1. We have a Senior Secondary School (affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi)
2. We involve in community development projects
3. Constructed a house for a poor destitute woman in our locality
4. We have a Cancer care and Palliative Project. More than 150 patients were given assistance for treatmnet.
5. We organise medical camps
6. We promote UN related activities like International Day of Peace and World Interfaith Harmony Week