Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life Development Association Ngo In Shillong Meghalaya

Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life Development Association Ngo Information
Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life development Association Non Governmental Organization is located in Shillong MEGHALAYA .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | SR/KJPASELDA-8/74 of 1974 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | XXI of 1860 |
City of Registration | Shillong |
State of Registration | MEGHALAYA |
Date of Registration | 05-03-1974 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 214250010Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life development Association NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Ohiwot Passah | Project Head | Available | Available |
Sankey Ford Khongwir | Co Member | Available | Available |
Winston Mark Simon Pariat | Chairman | Available | Available |
Rev N S Phawa | Chief Functionary | Available | Available |
Dr Bishar Plain | Co Member | Available | Available |
REV PELMANSON HYNNIEWTA | Chief Functionary | Available | Available |
MANCHESTER WAHLANG | Secretary | Available | Available |
Remdor Rapsang | Secretary | Available | Available |
Samkhih Roy Dkhar | President | Available | Available |
Mr Sainkur S Syiemlieh | Treasurer | Available | Available |
Ksanrimai Syiemlieh | Member | Available | Available |
Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life development Association Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2014-2015 | Not Specified | No reason cited for blocking of fund during 2014-2015 |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | No Specific reason blocking of the sanction of the Financial year |
Contact details
Address | C/o Church House Mission Compound KJP Assembly, Meghalaya, Shillong 793002 |
City | Shillong |
Telephone | 0364-2548245 |
Mobile No | 9402508117 |
Website Url | Not Available |
kjpassembly(at)yahoo[dot]com |
Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Socio Economic Life development Association Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: East Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills, Ribhoi, West Khasi Hills
Operational States: MEGHALAYA
AchieveMents: KHASI JAINTIA PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY, SOCIO ECONOMIC LIFE DEVELOPMENT The Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly Social Life Development Association (SELDA) is an important branch of the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly (formerly the KJP Synod) which is one of the church bodies in the North Eastern Region of India with a total membership of more than 4 lakhs. SELDA has been registered as an NGO since 1974 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. As a non profit, non-Government Organization of the KJP Assembly, working towards the all round development of the economic and social life of the People residing within the Districts of East and West Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Ri Bhoi of Meghalaya. VISIONââ¬â¢21 : That everyone, irrespective of color creed and gender shall have fullness of life through a holistic approach for Human Development which encompasses promoting the physical, spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional aspects of a person and the evolution of a personality nourished by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. MISSION ââ¬â¢21: Believing that the promotion of Health Education and Moral values are the sinews that shall sustain a healthy and vibrant Society, it shall be the aim of SELDA to establish the above in all spheres of activities that it undertaking. The KJP Assembly through the SELDA shall endeavor to empower and capacitate the communities it works with, especially the women of the region and to create awareness in the fields of sound healthcare and nutrition; on issues of sustainable livelihoods on the importance of basic education for all; and in the importance of people seeing themselves as equal partners and stakeholders in the process of development. It is also committees towards ushering in the awareness and understanding among the people of the Region and the State of Meghalaya that overall development must lead to just peace (shalom). OBJECTIVES To Promote a spirit of self help in in maintaining of drinking water, play grounds etcââ¬Â¦ promote thrift and temperance habits among the people to Educate the people in hygienic living and provide recreation for them, providing for holding exhibitions, conference and seminars calculated to advance the cause of education ââ¬â general, professional, technical, social, religious or moral promote arts, music , literature , games and to foster love for traditions customs and cultures of the Khasi Jaintia. Acquire by purchase and to receive any gift whether money, movable or immovable property, donations, stocks shares, etcââ¬Â¦ with a view to fulfill the objects of the Associations. The Associations liaison with any Government or local Authority or other public or private bodies for the receipts of grants allowances, right concession and privileges as may be desirable to carry out the objects of the Association. The Association has take a appropriate steps for working in the field of drug abuse prevention/prohibition Work for empowering women, youth and the marginalized. ACTIVITIES OF KHASI JAINTIA PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY SOCIO ECONOMIC LIFE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION The KJP Assembly SELDA operating within a region and social milieu that is undergoing rapid social changes, SELDA has ventured into different areas of social Welfare works and economic empowerment activities 1. Child Welfare ââ¬â With regards to the Child Welfare the KJP Assembly SELDA run two homes one for boys and the other for girls. The A.W Thomas Girls Home at Jaiaw Lumsyntiew, and the William Lewis Boys Home at Mawphlang East Khasi Hills District. The girls home was established in the year 1981 and boys in 2005, presently the number of boys in the home is 52 and the girls 42. The Association provide Cares and Protections to those uncared for children turned orphans for a number of reasons. These are children who have lost either one of their parents or both on account of premature death due to a number of reasons. These are also children abandoned by their parents after childbirth or whose fathers are in denial mode and without identity. The aims and objectives of this project is to come to the rescue of the girl child who is abandoned and left to starve. Secondly, the project that was launched to bring in the orphan boys & girl does not end in providing nutritious food and proper shelter. The children are imparted training and groomed to be responsible citizens As they are released from the home on attaining the age of 18, they would be able to stand on their feet and ready for gainful employment. Thirdly, the orphans are subsequently assets of the state and the nation as they attain the age of majority. They continue to live as dignified citizens having been brought up in an atmosphere of love and compassion under trained supervisors. Both these is under the supervision of the Home Superintendent. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE WORK DONE IN BY A.W. THOMAS GIRLSââ¬â¢ HOME AT JAIAW LUM SYNTIEW, SHILLONG (i) Get Together of both the Boysââ¬â¢ from Mawphlang and Girlsââ¬â¢ from Jaiaw on December 2015. (ii) Participated on Pre-Christmas celebration held at St Maryââ¬â¢s College & at State Central Library. (iii) Outing to Don Bosco Museum, Mawlai. (iv) Health Camp organized by Paramedical in collaboration with the Medical Officers from NEIGRIHMS and KJP Jowai Staffs. (v) Cleaning Drive (vi) A Special Song given during a programmme at Shillong Club organized by Ieng Rasong Sports Social & Cultural Club. (vii) Kitchen Gardening programme by the children under the supervision of the staff (viii) Organizing Birthday Parties for every children. (ix) Life skill programme on substance abuse, cleanliness, cognitive thinking and adolescent stage. (x) Attending a Health Camp organized by the Jaiaw Urban Health Centre. (xi) Celebration of Deworming Day Organized by the Paramedical together with the Staff (xii) Celebration of Urban Health Nutrition Day. (xiii) Awareness programmes on Child Rights. (xiv) Health teachings and Demonstrations given on personal Hygiene, Exercise, Nutrition, Hand Washing. (xv) Participating in a skit on a Topic ââ¬ÅTeens age Pregnancyââ¬Â. Brief Report of The A W Thomas Girlsââ¬â¢ Home, Jaiaw Lumsyntiew During the period the girls at the A W Thomas Girlsââ¬â¢ Home, Jaiaw Lumsyntiew Shillong were imparted training in computer and sewing. These training programmes are sponsored by individuals as well as the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly. The children displayed keen interest in the training programmes and are aware that these skills will enhance their employability in the future. In the field of health care, two camps have been organized by the Staff and the Urban Health Centre. A deworming day was also organized by the staff to all the girls housed at the centre. The girls showed keen interest in their studies. Their performance indicates a great improvement. A total of 15 girls cleared their school leaving examination under MBOSE. LIST OF CHILDREN STAYING AT AWT GIRLSââ¬â¢ HOME JAIAW PROJECT OF KHASI JAINTIA PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY SL.No. NAME AGE 1 Riphiki Kharshiing 4yrs 04 months 2 Nasalin Kharshiing 8yrs 04 months 3 I lawanphyrnai Janong 8yrs 01 months 4 Utrisha Langrin 7yrs 11 months 5 Risuklin Lyngkhoi 8 yrs 11months 6 Rimiki Syngkli 8 yrs 06 months 7 Jessica Langrin 9 yrs 06 months 8 Iohnam Bang 9 yrs 10 months 9 Kyntilin Marbaniang 10 yrs 2 months 10 Phidashisha Kyniong 10 yrs 11 Phibapyntngen Lyngkhoi 9 yrs 5 Months 12 Banisha Nongkynrih 11 yrs 13 Judicious Muksor 11 yrs 14 Mighty Grace Langrin 11 yrs 5 months 15 Gratefulness Thongni 10 yrs 10 months 16 Airihun Lyngkhoi 10 yrs 8 months 17 Pynshaimon Suna 13 yrs 4 months 18 Shimtilang Diengdoh 13 yrs 5 months 19 Rosemi Kyniong 12 yrs 4 Months 20 Balasiewdor Hujon 13 yrs 10 Months 21 Artibahun L. Mawnai 12 yrs 4 Months 22 Lahunlang Lyngkhoi 12 yrs 7 Months 23 Lapynshai Snaitang 12 yrs 8 Months 24 Ribanshem L. Mawnai 13 yrs 8 Months 25 Medari Ryngksai 14 yrs 10 Months 26 Ibadahun Kharmyndai 13 yrs 27 Fourkini Syrti 13yrs 5 Months 28 Mistina Lamin 15yrs 4 Months 29 Wanpli Nongrum 14 yrs 6 Months 30 Degracia Rani 14 yrs 8 months 31 Shidakmenlang Diengdoh 14 yrs 7 months 32 Bantihun Kharshiing 12 yrs 33 Haphidahunshisha L. Mawnai 17 yrs 1 months 34 Rodis War Pakyntein 17 yrs 1 months 35 Bindia Sarhi 15 yrs 8 months 36 Ibandashisha Nongspung 16 yrs 2 months 37 Runa Lamin 16 yrs 2 months 38 Baiarilang Khonglam 17 yrs 4 months 39 Youbartis L. Mawnai 16 yrs 2 months 40 Noris Suna 17 yrs 4 months 41 Phibanshimti L. Mawphlang 17 yrs 11 Months 42 Rijaihun Syiem 18 yrs 43 Poiky Dkhar 17 yrs 3 months 44 Phustimeri Nongbri 17 yrs 2 months 45 Delta Ryngksai 15 yrs 10 Months LIST OF THE STAFFS AWT GIRLSââ¬â¢ HOME JAIAW Sl No NAME DESIGNATION 1. Ms. S. Khyriem Home Superintendent 2. Ms. C. L. Rynthathiang Probation Officer 3. Ms. N. Rymbui Counsellor 4. Ms. L. Nongrum Paramedical 5. Ms. A. Nongkynrih Accountant 6. Ms. D. Syntem House Father 7. Ms. J. Lymba House Mother 8. Ms. B. Pariong Cook 9. Ms. D. Lyngkhoi Helper 10. Ms. I. Nongsiej House Keeper BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE WORK DONE IN 2012-2016 BY WILLIAM LEWIS BOYSââ¬â¢ HOME MAWPHLANG, EAST KHASI HILLS At present the total number of children at WILLIAM LEWIS BOYSââ¬â¢ HOME MAWPHLANG is 52 only. . The other activities during the year 2012-2016 are: 1. Get Together of both the Girlsââ¬â¢ from Jaiaw and the Boys William Lewis Boys Home on December 2015. 2. Christmas campaign programme cum party invited by our well-wisher. 3. Participate in football match organized by Mawphlang 4. Present a special number in the inaugural function of football match. 5. Participated in trekking from Rangshken to Law Kyntang Mawphlang Organized by Deputy Chief Minister Shri R. Lyngdoh. 6. Taking parts in Athletics Mawphlang week. 7. Invited by the JNV Mawphlang & Block Development Officer to perform a short skit and Group song on a Topic ââ¬ÅGreen Environmentââ¬Â on the Environment Day. 8. Participate in a Monolith Festival Organized by District Council, Meghalaya & Mei Ramew Tera Madre organized by NESFAS, Shillong. 9. Visit by different local Churches, groups and individual. Brief Report of The William Lewis Boysââ¬â¢ Home Mawphlang 2011-2016 During the period, the boys at the William Lewis Boysââ¬â¢ Home Mawphlang were imparted training in computer and sewing. These training programmes are sponsored by individuals as well as the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly. The children displayed keen interest in the training programmes and are aware that these skills will enhance their employability in the future. The boys were also exposed to Kitchen Garden Programme, Agricultural Activities and Cattle Rearing under the supervision of experienced staff during the period. An exposure trip to the Monolith Festival and Mei Ramew Tera Madre organized by the Khasi Hills District Council and NESFAS respectively was made and also a cleaning drive was organized. The boys showed keen interest in their studies. Their performance indicates a great improvement. During the year 20 church based organizations including NGOs and caring individuals visited the home and donated the boysââ¬â¢ needs such as clothes, books, school bags, bed sheets etc. LIST OF ORPHANS STAYING AT WILLIAM LEWIS BOYSââ¬â¢ HOME MAWPHLANG PROJECT OF KHASI JAINTIA PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY SL.No. NAME AGE 1 Lambok Sohshang 07 2 Sardonyx Muksor 07 3 Rinesjune Hoojon 08 4 Pynshngain Kyniong 08 5 Mendelson Kharlyngdoh 08 6 Rilang Momin 09 7 Abednego Kharkrang 09 8 Jezreelbert Marbaniang 09 9 Johnbulness Sohshang 09 10 Pynroilang Syiemlieh 09 11 Khainstar Kyniong 09 12 Ri ââ¬â o- Damehi Suna 09 13 Pynkhreh Kharlyngdoh 09 14 Libok Sohshang 10 15 Franciius Lyngkhoi 10 16 Comingson Nongsiej 10 17 Saindurlang Syiemlieh 10 18 Riclose Syngkli 10 19 Iai apkyrmen Janong 11 20 Sandy Patlong 11 21 Refinder Sohshang 11 22 Sunteibor Hoojon 11 23 Kmenborlang Marbaniang 12 24 James Momin 12 25 Sharbokstar Janong 12 26 Teiborlang Nongsiej 12 27 Dibilness Thongni 12 28 Pynwanshame Shadap 12 29 Maitphang Syngkli 12 30 Iaroh Tron 12 31 Banlang Kyniong 13 32 Pynshngain Nongrum 13 33 Kynsailang Thabah 13 34 Teibun Janong 14 35 Rickyson Lyngkhoi 14 36 Tyngshain K. Bani 14 37 Banrilang Ryngksai 14 38 Shanbor Nongsiej 14 39 Shemphang Siangshai 14 40 Banpynshainlang Khonglam 14 41 Banlamshuwa Kharkrang 15 42 Edison Syiem 15 43 Banshanbor Rani 15 44 Linestone Sohshang 15 45 Spanli mynthlu 15 46 Bankyntiewkupar L. Mawnai 16 47 Shlur Hoojon 16 48 Ritsing Nongbet 16 49 Sholestar Nongspung 16 50 Kyrshanborlang Kharir 17 51 Menlongbha Pohlang 17 52 Depher Thabah 17 .LIST OF THE STAFFS WILLIAM LEWIS BOYSââ¬â¢ HOME MAWPHLANG Sl No NAME DESIGNATION 1. Mr. A.P. Suchiang Home Superintendent 2. Mr. T.E. Basaiawmoit Counsellor 3. Mr. F. L. Marshillong Probation Officer 4. Mr. Debones Nongsiej House Father 5. Smt. D. Mawlong House Mother 6. Mr Jerry Hujon Paramedical 7. Ms. Balahunlang Nongrum Accountant 8. Mr.Pynkhraw Marbaniang Cook 9. Smt. B. Kharsyntiew Helper 10. Mr.Willman Syiemlieh House Keeper 11. Mr O. A. Kurbah Tutor 2. WOMEN WELFARE: - A Working Womenââ¬â¢ Hostel established since 1986, serves the low income group who can hardly afford to pay exorbitant rent in private houses in Shillong. They come from an interior of East and west Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Ri Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya besides other ethnic group from outside state , viz Mizos, Nagas etc. The Hostel which extends its services on a no profit no loss basis, i.e charging very nominal rates, can accommodate upto 85 ââ¬â 90 inmates and strict discipline is maintained under the supervision of a Hostel Warden. It is located at Mission Compound. 3. PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM: - Drug addiction has become global phenomenon. At the same time, alcoholism is also a rampant in our State. As such, to combat this menace, a Counselling Centre known as NEW HOPE DE- Addiction cum Counselling Centre at Central Ward, Shillong. The Centre has 15 beds and is giving free treatment to chemical dependent who come and register themselves for counselling, awareness and rehabilitation . The Centre also run an HIV/AIDS cell in the centre with a full Field Worker to conduct awareness programmes on the basics of HIV/AIDS and preventives measures. The centre has also a branch mainly focus to Female Sex Worker (FSW) infected with HIV/AIDS known as SAINDUR THYMMAI, at Nongpoh Ri Bhoi District. As we look to the Child welfare the girls home needs a kitchen to be extended as the old one is very congested and as for the boys need a repairing repainting of the home and many more. The New Hope De-addiction center need a building to be newly constructed. THE KJP ASSEMBLY SELDA NEED FUNDS FOR THE PROJECTS Child Care ââ¬â The AW. Thomas Girls Home are in much need of a proper kitchen as the present kitchen are congested, Staff quarters the home are run by the Home Superintendent no proper staff quarter for them, proper Fencing the home are in much needs for security of the home and Extension of building. The William Lewis Boys Home need a proper drinking water storage, Extension of building Fencing. WOMEN CARE :- The KJP Assembly SELDA though run a hostel for the youth and working women in our area and it has been a great help to them but as per the needs that we see in the society is the elderly group of people where by some of their relatives are look and some are taking care by the churches and some have to work for their living so as the association want to spread our help to them and would be a great help for them as to start these we needs fund in order to help them. YOUTH CARE De- Addiction Centre cum Counselling Centre :- As we have brief above that the KJPA SELDA run a counselling centre, and are being one of the oldest Deaddiction Centre in Meghalaya but as of now the centre are in much needs of the new building. The KJP Assembly SELDA have a future plan to set up a De- addiction centre for women as there is no such kind of centre in Meghalaya to cater the women. The Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly SELDA, being people oriented, is always committed to the task of building up and a well knit society through its different project, helping the people of different areas. But the KJPA SELDA in order to cater the needs of these Projects needs a huge amount of funds even though as of now it runs through the donation of the Wells wisher. So on behalf of the KJP Assembly SELDA request your firm to please
Key Issues
Aged/Elderly, Children, Differently Abled, Education and Literacy, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Prisoner's Issues, Vocational Training, Women's Development and Empowerment, Youth Affairs,- BakdilShillong, MEGHALAYA
- Nonglum Social Welfare OrganisationSHILLONG, MEGHALAYA
- Impulse Ngo NetworkSHILLONG, MEGHALAYA
- Meghalaya Integrated Mountain Development InitiativeShillong, MEGHALAYA
- Integral Uplift CentreShillong, MEGHALAYA
- North Eastern Regional Domestic Workers Welfare TrustShillong, MEGHALAYA
- Salvatorian SocietyShillong, MEGHALAYA
- Kayzey SocietyShillong, MEGHALAYA
- Roy Foundationshillong, MEGHALAYA
- North Eastern Trust For Education And Developmentshillong, MEGHALAYA
Other Ngos in Shillong, MEGHALAYA
- Dr. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital (khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Hospital) In Shillong Meghalaya
- Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Synod Sepngi Urban Mission In Shillong Meghalaya
- Khasi Disabilities Association In Shillong Meghalaya
- Jaintia Hills Development Society In Jowai Meghalaya
- Jaintia Network Society In Jowai Meghalaya
- West Jaintia Hills Farmers Producer Company Limited In Jowai Meghalaya
- Khasi Cultural And Social Service Society In Shillong Meghalaya
- Seng Khasi Hima Mawsynram, Mawsynram Syiemship In Shillong Meghalaya
- Jan Shikshan Sansthan East Khasi Hills In Shillong Meghalaya
- Association For Development And Research In Socio Economic Activities In Sambalpur Orissa