Lokadrusti Ngo In Khariar Orissa

Lokadrusti Ngo Information
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | KLD-322-39 of 1987-88 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Society Registration Act-1860 |
City of Registration | Khariar |
State of Registration | ORISSA |
Date of Registration | 28-02-1988 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 104950016Lokadrusti NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Abani Mohan Panigrahi | Secretary | Available | Available |
Tapas Ranjan Panigrahi | Treasurer | Available | Available |
Sagarika Panigrahi | Member | Available | Available |
Dambarudhar Majhi | Member | Available | Available |
Rama Chandra Mishra | Chairman | Available | Available |
Sourav Sekhar Panigrahi | Member | Available | Available |
Puspanjali Majhi | Member | Available | Available |
Nuadi Majhi | Member | Available | Available |
Lokadrusti Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
ChildFund India | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 4350000 | Child Development through education, Nutrition and Health and sponsorship programme for the livelihood option. |
AIF America | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 13800000 | Awareness on Interstate Migration Act. Strengthening of School Management Committee and Running of Learning Resource centre for bridging the gaps of the deficit learners. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 1500000 | Awareness on Interstate Migration Act. Identification of Ultra poor households and make them woemn SHGs and initiate different Income Generating Programme. |
Save the Children BalRakshya Bharat | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 68827 | Awareness and training on Child Rights. Formation and strengthening of Child Clubs, Child Protection Committee and proper implementation of Rights to Education Act. |
Oxfam India | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 2100000 | Awareness and training on Child Rights. Formation and strengthening of Child Clubs, Child Protection Committee and proper implementation of Rights to Education Act. |
KKS Germany | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 8000000 | Social Mobilisation around Natural Resource Management, Creation of livelihood based infrastructure like WHS, Ring Wells, Land development, Seed Banks, Onion Go-down and Vermi compost. Formation and strengthening of SHGs, Farmers clubs and Water User Society. Training, Exposure and hand holding support to initiate different Agriculture and Allied activities and provisioning of Seed support for running of different IGA. |
Trickle Up Newyork | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 485000 | Identification of Potential leaders from the SHGs and trined them on Financial Inclusion and involve the entire SHGs in the Financial inclusion activities. |
IGNOU New Delhi | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 72000 | Running of IGNOU Study Centre. |
NUEPA New Delhi | Central | 2015-2016 | 118250 | Conducting Study on situation of Teachers in Elementary and Secondary level. |
Bharat Rural Livelhood Foundation | Central | 2015-2016 | 2143000 | Promotion of Liveliihood through convergence with National Flagship programme and model farmimg. |
ATMA Nuapada | State | 2015-2016 | 62500 | Awareness creation on Improved Cropping pattern and promotion of Line Transplantion of Paddy. |
ChildFund India | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 750000 | Child development, Education and sponsorship programme. |
AIF New Delhi | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 13200000 | Awareness on Inter State Migration Act, Right to Education Act and strengthening of School Management Committee and Running of Learning Resource Centre. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 510800 | Identification of Ultra poor and involve in IGA through training and exposure. |
KKS Germany | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 6700000 | Social Mobilisation around Natural Resource Management. Creation of infrastructure like WHS, Land development, Ring wells. Promotion of Sustainable agriculture and Income generation activities. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 978000 | Capacity Building of SHGs and initiation of IGA. |
Ford Foundation | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 1500000 | Promotion of Sustainable AGriculture and MGNREGA. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 350000 | Identification of Poor and very poor households and linking them with Financial Inclusion with the assistance of the Village level women leaders. |
ChildFund India | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 526350 | Identification of drought affected people and support them for taking drought resistance crops. |
Samaj Pragati Sahayog | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 133000 | Discussion meeting with the Gram Panchayat, Planning for the construction of Mahabandh and adoptation of Drought resilient crops through MGNREGs fund. |
IGNOU | Central | 2016-2017 | 72000 | Running of IGNOU Study Centre at Boden Block.. |
NABARD | Central | 2016-2017 | 87000 | Formation of SHGs and link them to the Bank for running different IGA |
Bharat Rural Livelhood Foundation | Central | 2016-2017 | 8613000 | Convergence with different line departments and promotion of sustainable agrioculture in a demonstartive mode. |
AIF New Delhi | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 14500000 | Awareness on Right to Education and Inter State Migration Act. Running of Learning Resource Centres and Seasonal Hostels for Children of Migrants. |
KKS Germany | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 4800000 | Social Mobilisation and improvement of Agriculture |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 1000000 | Identification of Ultra Poor Households. Formation of SHGs with capacity builidng approcah and link them with OLM and initiation of different IGA. |
Ford Foundation New york | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 3500000 | Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and handholding support for better implementation of MGNREGA at village level. |
Trickle Up New York | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 413924 | Identification of potential women leaders trainied them and involve in financial inclusion activities for the poorest of the poor at the village level. |
Samaj Prgati Sahayog | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 355450 | Digging of Mahabandh in colaboration with the Gram Panchayat and promote drought resilient crops. |
IGNOU | Central | 2017-2018 | 73200 | Salary of the IGNOU Coordinator. |
Bharat Rurla Livelihood Foundation | Central | 2017-2018 | 9546224 | Sustainable livelihood through MGNREGS and other flag ship programme and promotion of model farm for enhancement of agriculture. |
NABARD | Central | 2017-2018 | 350000 | Identification of potential SHGs and developed Enterprises through skill development training. |
IPE Global | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 445500 | Identification of site, developing plan and estimate approved at the Panchayat level and execution of Water Harvesting Structure and promote Climate Resilient Crops on the command area. |
KKS Germany | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 4332458 | Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and livelihood activities. |
BRLF New Delhi | Central | 2018-2019 | 5500000 | Convergence with Flagship Programme and Sustainable Agriculture Development in 6 Block of Nuapada and Balangir District of Odisha.. |
Ford Foundation | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 6064712 | Convergence with Flagship Programme and Sustainable Agriculture Development in 6 Block of Nuapada and Balangir District of Odisha.. |
AIF New Delhi | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 4500000 | Awareness on Migration , Right to Education and running of Seasonal Hostels and Learning Resource centre through convergence with SSA and School Management Committee. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 1900000 | Formation and strengthing of SHGs of Ultr poor and link them with different IGA. |
Trickle Up America | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 200000 | Formation and strengthening of SHGs of Ultra poor and link them with different Financial Inclusion in participation with the village level women leader.. |
IPE Global | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 1200000 | Digging of Mahabandh in collaboration with Gram Panchayat and Trained the farmers on climate resilient crops. |
ICRISAT | State | 2018-2019 | 567000 | Promotion of Agriculture in Balangir and Nuapada District of Odisha. |
AIF America | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 7934616 | Deficit learning programme is going on in all the four District like Nuapada,kalahandi,Balangir and Bargarh.All the migrants parents will leave their child in seasonal hostel and after return from the migration they will take their child safely and there will be no disturb in study of the children.The study is as per the courses run by the state Govt.All the migrants childrens will be admitted in the bridge courses and they will pass the of exam conducted by our formal education. |
KKS Germany | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 6300000 | To reduce the poverty by apply modern technology in the field of agriculture. The capacity of farmers as well as SHGs will be strengthen so that the income of the women entrepreneur and farmers will increase and they will be self sustainable.During the project period they will be capacited through various field level training and exposure to the farmers in different successful area where the farmers has been successfully done their farming as well as the women enterprises has shows their model. |
Bharat rural livelihood Foundation | Central | 2019-2020 | 3200000 | The objective of this project is to "Doubling the income of the farmers within the project period of three years.In all the operational villages producers group will be formed and they will be strenthen with the support of Odisha livelihood Mission and Mission Shakti.The others line department like horticulture,Agriculture,APICOL,Panchayatraj,Orissa Lift Irrigation Corporation,Orissa Agro Industries Corporation will give support for the strenthening of the poor farmers. |
Trickle Up | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1302777 | The project objective is to strengthening the livelihood of ultra poor and very poor and poor farmers. |
IPE Global | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 891000 | Objective of the project is to build Infrastructure for climate resilient growth. |
ICRISAT | State | 2019-2020 | 496527 | The objective of the project is to income enhancement by adopting scientific technolgy. |
America India Foundation | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 2363510 | The deficit learning will be provided to migrant children. |
Contact details
City | Khariar |
State | ORISSA |
Telephone | Not Available |
Mobile No | 9437071812 |
Website Url | Not Available |
lokadrustikhariar1(at)rediffmail[dot]com |
Lokadrusti Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Bargarh, Balangir, Nuapada, Kalahandi
Operational States: ORISSA
AchieveMents: Social Mobilisation Around Natural resource Management (Construct 200 WHS, 250 Wells, Developed 3000 acres of land, Developed orcahrd in 200 acres of land). Promote Sustainable Agriculture through Trg., Exposure and seed support to 300 Small
- Mission Hospital EvangelicalKhariar, ORISSA
- Kasturaba Balashram KhariarKHARIAR, ORISSA
- Satya Brata Kala KendraKHARIAR, ORISSA
- SrustiKhariar, ORISSA
- Development In Education And Environment ProtectionKhariar, ORISSA
- Evangelical Hospital SocietyKhariar, ORISSA
- Western Orissa Educational Society For Integral StudiesKHARIAR, ORISSA
- Mass Institute For Rural Reconstruction And Oneness RenaissanceKHARIAR , ORISSA
- ChetnaKhariar, ORISSA
- Mission Girls And Boys Homekhariar, ORISSA