Margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety Ngo In Thanjavur Tamil Nadu

Margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety Ngo Information
margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety Non Governmental Organization is located in Thanjavur TAMIL NADU .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 44/1981 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | XXVII OF 1975 |
City of Registration | Thanjavur |
State of Registration | TAMIL NADU |
Date of Registration | 01-07-1981 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 075960070margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
K Mariyaadaikalm mariyaadaikalam | Chief Functionary | Available | Available |
M Marryflorence | Chairman | Available | Available |
k mariyaadaikalm | Secretary | Available | Available |
J arokiasebastinprabu | Treasurer | Available | Available |
M Marryflorence | Chairman | Available | Available |
MARRY FLORENCE | President | Available | Available |
MARIA ADAIKALAM | Secretary | Available | Available |
AROKIA SEBASTIN PRABU | Not Specified | Available | Available |
MARRY FLORENCE | President | Available | Available |
MARIA ADAIKALAM | Secretary | Available | Available |
margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
CENTRAL SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD | State | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | SSH - Deserted Women and Children FCC- Women and Children Creche - Children |
Not Specified | Central | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | Not Specified |
Not Specified | Overseas | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | Not Specified |
Contact details
Address | margaret social development society1345/4 new vanakara street manabuchavady thanjavur 613001 |
City | Thanjavur |
State | TAMIL NADU |
Telephone | 04362-271104 |
Mobile No | 9443476829 |
Website Url | Not Available |
msdsthanjavur(at)yahoo[dot]com |
margaretsocialdevelopmentsociety Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts:
Operational States:
AchieveMents: government programs family counseling center freedom of expression especially for women has been curtailed in families and community the family counseling center run by msds provides freedom of expression both for men and women which enables couples to reunite in the family short stay home for the destitute women and children as a toiling woman in the field and at home she faces many hardships and frustration due to violence in families women and children run away from homes to protect and to rehabilitate the destitute women and children msds runs a short stay home it provides an opportunity to equip them in vocational skills for mainstreaming crèches are functioning in six places for the poor labor section families.
- SamathuvaparavaisamugasevaisangamThanjavur, TAMIL NADU
- Cs Ruraldevelopement AssociationTHANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU
- Angels Educational SocietyTHANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU
- St.peter Claver FoundationThanjavur, TAMIL NADU
- Biocare Educational And Environment TrustTHANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU
- Vidiyal Educational And Rural Development TrustTHANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU
- Sri Pushpam Balwadi Educational SocietyThanjavur, TAMIL NADU
- Masilamani Annai Charitable TrustTHANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU