Ponmagal Trust (pmt) Ngo In Trichirappalli Tamil Nadu

Ponmagal Trust (pmt) Ngo Information
PONMAGAL TRUST (PMT) Non Governmental Organization is located in Trichirappalli TAMIL NADU .
Registration Details
Registered With | Any Other |
Type of NGO | Trust (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 160/2008 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Indian Trust Act |
City of Registration | Trichirappalli |
State of Registration | TAMIL NADU |
Date of Registration | 10-12-2008 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO
PONMAGAL TRUST (PMT) NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Lavanya.P | Chairman | Available | Available |
Violet Mary Eprencia | Treasurer | Available | Available |
SARITHA | Secretary | Available | Available |
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | In order to enable the abandoned widows for aged and elderly senior citizen from the poorest family in the district. Ponmagal Trust has established shelter for the widows, aged and elderly persons at Ambal Nagar, Valavanthankottai Village, Trihcy district in 2015 |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2017-2018 | Not Specified | In order to enable the abandoned widows for aged and elderly senior citizen from the poorest family in the district. Ponmagal Trust has established shelter for the widows, aged and elderly persons at Ambal Nagar, Valavanthankottai Village, Trihcy district in 2015 |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2018-2019 | Not Specified | In order to enable the abandoned widows for aged and elderly senior citizen from the poorest family in the district. Ponmagal Trust has established shelter for the widows, aged and elderly persons at Ambal Nagar, Valavanthankottai Village, Trihcy district in 2015 |
Contact details
Address | Ambal nagar, Valavanthankottai Village, Thirunedumgulam Post, Trichirappalli |
City | Trichirappalli |
State | TAMIL NADU |
Telephone | Not Available |
Mobile No | 8778021702 |
Website Url | Not Available |
ponmagalngo(at)gmail[dot]com |
PONMAGAL TRUST (PMT) Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Tiruchirappalli
Operational States: TAMIL NADU
AchieveMents: In order to enable the abandoned widows for aged and elderly senior citizen from the poorest family in the district. Ponmagal Trust has established shelter for the widows, aged and elderly persons at Ambal Nagar, Valavanthankottai Village, Trihcy district in 2015
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