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Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Ngo In Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh

Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Ngo Information

Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Non Governmental Organization is located in Shivpuri MADHYA PRADESH .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 6527/2000
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name MP Society Act
City of Registration Shivpuri
State of Registration MADHYA PRADESH
Date of Registration 17-11-2000

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 063510006

Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti NGO Organization Members

Shaila AgrawalChief FunctionaryAvailableAvailable
Jitendra SharmaChairmanAvailableAvailable
Shaila AgrawalSecretaryAvailableAvailable
Brijesh GuptaTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Raman AgrawalNot SpecifiedAvailableAvailable

Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Send Proposal for Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Balgriha - 27,54,000 Shishugriha - 8,10,000State2013-2014Not SpecifiedWomen empowerment Department Bhopal
NoCentral2013-2014Not SpecifiedN0
NoOverseas2013-2014Not SpecifiedNo
Send Proposal for Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Balgriha - 42,75,000 Shishugriha - 12,36,200State2014-2015Not SpecifiedWomen Empowerment Department Bhopal
NoCentral2014-2015Not SpecifiedNo
NoOverseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedNo
Women Empowerment Department BhopalState2015-2016Not SpecifiedSend Proposal for Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Balgriha - 50,04,000 Shishugriha - 14,62,500
NoCentral2015-2016Not SpecifiedNo
NoOverseas2015-2016Not SpecifiedNo

Contact details

Address Shakuntalam Patel Nagar TV Tower Road Shivpuri 473551
City Shivpuri
Telephone 07492-401786
Mobile No 9826249303
Website Url
E-mail shaila_shivpuri(at)rediffmail[dot]com

Shakuntala Parmarth Samiti Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Shivpuri

Operational States: MADHYA PRADESH

AchieveMents: started as an orphanage presently working as balgriha and shishugriha(SAA)we have providedshelter and patronage to abandoned, destitute, parentless anddisabled children to bring them into main stream as a good citizenthrough proper education and vocational training, both these childrenhomes (balgriha and shishugriha) are managed and run as per rulesand regulations as provided by J.J. act and guidelines issued byCARA. by now we have been successful in rest oaring about 30 childrenthrough in country adoption and 80 children to their respectivebiological parents or families . We have operated campaign throughawareness camps, street plays, rallies and exhibition by operatingHELPLINE (center) against addition. we have operated nutrition andrehabilitation centers for up grading children suffering frommal-nutrition. We have provided education to poor children of ruralareas and specially child labor. We have operated crèche forkids of working women. we have operated and managed helpline tocooperate assist and help the women, victimized of any type ofviolence ( sex determination, female feticide, sexual harassment,dowry killing, child marriage, child trafficking, rape and domesticviolence) violating human rights through counseling or , if necessarylegal redress. To sum up our goal isa healthy prosperous peaceful gender sensitive society where peoplein general and socially and financially deprived women, children andyouth in particular have their right to a life of dignity. The Samitiaims to pull the social barriers of class, cast and gender in MP bythe end of 2020.