Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts:
Operational States:
AchieveMents: The institution was founded in 1979 with a spirit of serving society through research. With our focus on health we have evolved into an organization that combines medical research with excellence in patient care. All research on human subjects is conducted only after requisite clearance from regulatory authorities, an independent ethical committee and informed written consent by the participants.
The institution through intramural funding and extramural grants, conceived and conducted projects directly relevant to policy, public health and clinical practice needs of the nation. We focused on translational research in clinical epidemiology, nutrition, maternal and child health, systematic reviews, quality of care and non-communicable diseases. Extramural grants have been received from both national and international sources including the Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Biotechnology and World Health Organization. Prestigious international and national collaborations were also forged to achieve these objectives.
The quantum and quality of recent research output (since 2006) is evident from 214 publications. Of these 113 are in internationally indexed journals (66 with High and 41 with Moderate Impact Factor), 44 in nationally indexed journals and 38 in non-indexed journals. The very high impact journals include the Lancet, BMJ, Cardiology, JAMA, Diabetes Care, and Nature Reviews. Seventeen Reports have been submitted to the funding agencies including the World Health Organization, Geneva and Indian Council of Medical Research, and two books have been published.
The research output has been utilized for formulating national and global policy. Notable examples include the global decision of World Health Organization, Geneva in relation to neonatal Vitamin A supplementation, home based care to prevent neonatal mortality and short course antibiotic therapy for otitis media on the basis of systematic reviews conducted by the institution. The research efforts have also received recognition in the form of national awards and orations.
Research findings have been disseminated by organization of workshops, conferences and Continuing Medical Education series. The institution has also co-hosted evidence based meetings to formulate Indian Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for diarrhoea and severe malnutrition. Further, lectures have been delivered at various national and international events.
Contributions have been made at international and national meetings, workshops, task forces, expert groups and research advisory committees to formulate policy and deliberate upon various topical policy issues. These include World Health Organization, Geneva; International Atomic Energy Association, Vienna; Health Effects Institute, USA; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India; Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India; Department of Biotechnology, Government of India; National Advisory Council on Nutrition; and Indian Council of Medical Research.
The institution has also provided editorial services for respected international and national journals. International and national research trials have been supported through chairing or membership of Data Safety Monitoring Boards.
Evidence based and ethical information has been imparted to the consumers in the form of lectures and distribution of printed information. Specifically, an evidence based booklet has been produced to educate the parents of newborns about giving a healthy start to life.