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Snehajeevana Foundation (r) Ngo In Gubbi Karnataka

Snehajeevana Foundation (r) Ngo Information

Snehajeevana foundation (R) Non Governmental Organization is located in Gubbi KARNATAKA .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No TMK-S20-2007-08
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Karnataka act 17 of 1960
City of Registration Gubbi
State of Registration KARNATAKA
Date of Registration 16-04-2007

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Snehajeevana foundation (R) NGO Organization Members

Sanjay yadavMemberAvailableAvailable

Snehajeevana foundation (R) Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Department of mines and geologyState2015-201674500Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Mines and Geology has conduted the Awareness camps on the utilization and conservation of ground water in gowribidnur town of chikkaballapur district.
GramapanchayathState2015-201674550Snehajeevana foundation along with the gramapanchayaths of gubbi taluq has conduted the Awareness camps on the water and sanitation in three villages of Gubbi taluk .
GramapanchayathState2016-201774550Snehajeevana foundation along with the Gramapanchayath has conduted the Awareness camps on Water and sanitation topic in the three villages of gubbi taluk.
GramapanchayathState2017-201851288Snehajeevana foundation along with the Gramapanchayath has conduted the Awareness camp on cleanliness by organising Swaccha Bharath Mission in the two villages of gubbi taluk.
Department of Mines and GeologyState2017-201849450Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Mines and Geology has conduted the Awareness camps on the utilization and conservation of ground water in Haveri town of Haveri district.
Department of Mines and GeologyState2017-201864650Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Mines and Geology has conduted the Awareness camps on the utilization and conservation of ground water in Roona town of Gadag district.
Department of Mines and GeologyState2017-201849550Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Mines and Geology has conduted the Awareness camps on the utilization and conservation of ground water in Kalgatgi town of Dharwad district.
Karnataka Thanda Development BoardState2017-201888000Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Karnataka Thanda development Board has conduted the Awareness programme on the utiliztaion of the governements Schemes and services provided for the Thanda living people and IGA Training.
Karnataka Slum Development BoardState2017-2018245000Snehajeevana foundation along with the department of Karnataka Slum development Board has conduted the Awareness programme on the utiliztaion of the governements Schemes and services provided for the Slum living people and IGA Training.
NABARDCentral2017-2018540000Formation of farmer clubs and training farmers for the utilization of modren technologies in the Agriclture field.
Karnataka Slum Development BoardCentral2017-20183370000Implentation of IEC activities under IHSDP-JnNURM for the well of slum living people.
GrmampanchayathState2017-201820000Creating awareness on hygiene and cleanliness to the public .
Mahatma Gandhi institute of Rural energy and developmentState2018-201940000Creating awareness onrenewable energy in rural areas.Promoting and encouraging rthe use of renewable energy devices.
Karnataka Agriculture DepartmentState2018-2019183000Entrepreneurship Awareness Training Programme (EAP) & Skill Specific Entreprnurship Development TRaining Programme.
Karnataka Agriculture DepartmentState2017-201899500Third party Evaluation of 2nd batch of water shed programmes in sira taluq.
Karnataka Agriculture DepartmentState2018-201999500Third party Evaluation of 2nd batch of water shed programmes in Pavagada taluq.

Contact details

Address Snehajeevana foundation office1st cross, Hosapete extension, near aralimara, N.H 206Ph: 08131-22963 Gubbi: 572216 Tumkur, Karnataka.
City Gubbi
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 8105761575
Website Url Not Available
E-mail snehajeevanafoundation(at)gmail[dot]com

Snehajeevana foundation (R) Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Gadag, Dharwad, Haveri, Tumkur, Chikkaballapura, Shimoga, Dakshina Kannada

Operational States: KARNATAKA

AchieveMents: SNEHA JEEVANA FOUNDATION is working in the field of women development and community development programmes in most backward areas with the focus on women empowerment, IEC activities for Slum, livelihood activities, Thanda Development IEC awareness programme, child labour, agriculture development ,Formation of womens farmer club under NABARD, Health awareness and environment awareness programmes, Water and sanitation awareness programme, Groundwater utilization awareness programme .