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Society For National Integration Through Education And Humanizing Action Ngo In Gudivada Andhra Pradesh

Society For National Integration Through Education And Humanizing Action Ngo Information

Society for National Integration through Education and Humanizing Action Non Governmental Organization is located in Gudivada ANDHRA PRADESH .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 300/1990
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Act XXI of 1860
City of Registration Gudivada
State of Registration ANDHRA PRADESH
Date of Registration 06-10-1990

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 010260127

Society for National Integration through Education and Humanizing Action NGO Organization Members

Kamatamu Nireekshana RaoSecretaryAvailableAvailable
Saturi Sangeetha RaoTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Samuel Sundarraj GaddePresidentAvailableAvailable
David PotharajuExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Mandava VaniExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Maradani LakshmiExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Sikinam RajeswariExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable
Potla JayasilaVice PresidentAvailableAvailable
Kante Swarupa RaniExecutive MemberAvailableAvailable

Society for National Integration through Education and Humanizing Action Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
SNEHA SchoolState2014-2015476600Poor Children Education
CTWOverseas2014-20151321612Poor Girl Children Education & Care (Girls Home)
APSACSState2014-20151642141HIV/AIDS Prevention of Migrants People
NABARDState2014-2015398500MEDP Trainings to SHG Groups
NABARDState2014-2015150000Educated to people on Financial Litaracy
NABARDState2014-20151318000Up land development for Trebles (Fruit crop Plantation and Maintenance)
CTWOverseas2015-20161599297Poor Girl Child Education
Nava Jeevan Bala BhavanOverseas2015-2016240000Tuition classes conducted to 15 Villages in Kaikalur, Kalidindi
APSACSState2015-2016683942HIV/AIDS Prevention to Migrants people
NABARDState2015-2016117000Formation of Farmers Clubs in Krishna district and awareness to Farmers clubs
NABARDState2015-2016350000Awareness to people on Financial Litaracy
NABARDState2015-2016928000Up land Development and Maintenance (Fruit crop plantation to Trebles land and Maintenance)
CTWOverseas2016-20171488850Girl Child Education
Navajeevan Bala BhavanOverseas2016-2017399000Tuition Classes conducted to 15 villages in 3 Mandals in Krishna District and also aware to Child rights
APSACSState2016-20171672478HIV/AIDS prevention Programs conducted to Migrants People in Ibrahimpatnam Mandal in Krishna District
SNEHA SchoolState2016-2017489810Education Provide to Poor Children
NABARDState2016-2017100000Maintenance of Farmers Clubs
NABARDState2016-2017475324Up land Development (Fruit Crop plants Plantation to Trebles land and Maintenance)
NABARDState2016-201711607905 Farmers Producer Organisations Registration and Maintanance
TATA TrustsState2016-201710599285913 Toilets construction going on in Krishna District.
TATA TrustsState2016-20173719454913 Toilets construction going on in Krishna District. (Staff Salaries
CTWOverseas2017-20181300000Poor Girl Children Education
Nava Jeevan Bala BhavanOverseas2017-2018432000Tuition Classes conducted to 15 Villages in Krishna District and Awareness on Child Rights
APSACSState2017-20181727000HIV/AIDS Prevention to Migrants people.
CTWOverseas2018-20191551982Child Care and Education
Navajeevan BalaBhavanOverseas2018-2019414000Child Rights
APSACSState2018-20191417051HIV/AIDS Pretension
SNEHA SchoolState2018-2019463000Children Education
CTWOverseas2019-20201722164Girl Children Education
Navajeevan Bala BhavanOverseas2019-2020411217Child Rights
APSACSState2019-20201472799Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Migrants
SNEHA SchoolState2019-2020398450Children Education
CTWOverseas2020-202175800Child Education
Nava Jeevan Bala BhavanOverseas2020-202190000Child Rights
TREC StepOverseas2020-20215000AIDS Patients Survey
APSACSState2020-20211411696Prevention of HIV AIDS

Contact details

Address H.No.19/338-5, Bethavolu, Gudivada.
City Gudivada
Telephone 08674-246993
Mobile No 9441083474
Website Url
E-mail sneham[dot]k(at)

Society for National Integration through Education and Humanizing Action Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts:

Operational States:

AchieveMents: SNEHA major activities includes Child care and developmentwith the support of CTW. There are 50 girl children in the residential home.Children are studying from 1st class to engineering, nursing etc.Implementing prevention of HIV/AIDS among the migrants. working with 10,000 migrants with the supportfrom APSACS . Implementing the tribal development programme for tribes with the suppot of NABARD. Implementing FPO activity for fishermen community 6 FPOs formed with the support of NABARD.Implementing ODF activity for Krishna DT with the support of MARI,AGS and TATA TRUST.