Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur Ngo In Latur Maharashtra

Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur Ngo Information
Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur Non Governmental Organization is located in Latur MAHARASHTRA .
Registration Details
Registered With | Charity Commissioner |
Type of NGO | Trust (Non-Government) |
Registration No | MH/12716/2003 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Trust Act 1960 of schedule 21 |
City of Registration | Latur |
State of Registration | MAHARASHTRA |
Date of Registration | 28-03-2003 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO
Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
VASANT SOPAN BHOSALE | Secretary | Available | Available |
MINABAI VASANTRAO DAWKARE | President | Available | Available |
PARVATI SAMBHAJI CHAPTE | Member | Available | Available |
SANJEEVANI VASANT BHOSLE | Treasurer | Available | Available |
Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2014-2015 | Not Specified | NO fund received |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | NO fund received |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | NO fund received |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2017-2018 | Not Specified | PROPOSED PROJECTS RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR DRAUGHT AFFECTED SC and ST COMMUNITIES FOR Rs.713,30,64,000 and 100 BEDDED HOSPITAL with DISPENSARY FOR Rs.417,79,00,000 and Residential School for 100 DUMB and DEAF CHILDREN For Rs.405,54,35,000 including building constructions cost. |
Not Specified | Any Other | 2018-2019 | Not Specified | PROPOSED PROJECTS RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR DRAUGHT AFFECTED SC and ST COMMUNITIES FOR Rs.713,30,64,000 and 100 BEDDED HOSPITAL with DISPENSARY FOR Rs.417,79,00,000 and Residential School for 100 DUMB and DEAF CHILDREN For Rs.405,54,35,000 including building constructions cost. |
Contact details
Address | C/o Bhosle Vanant Sopanrao At.Post. Rokda Sawargaon Tq. Ahmedpur Dist. Latur 413 515 Maharashtra State |
City | Latur |
Telephone | 02381-240390 |
Mobile No | 9503252211 |
Website Url | Not Available |
vsntbhosle5(at)gmail[dot]com |
Subhadradevi Bhosle Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Latur Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Latur, Nanded
Operational States: MAHARASHTRA
AchieveMents: To provide Health Care
Key Issues
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Aged/Elderly, Agriculture, Art and Culture, Biotechnology, Children, Civic Issues, Differently Abled, Disaster Management, Dalit Upliftment, Drinking Water, Education and Literacy, Environment and Forests, Food Processing, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Housing, Human Rights, Information and Communication Technology, Legal Awareness and Aid, Labour and Employment, Land Resources, Micro Finance (SHGs), Minority Issues, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises,- Ikra Education And Welfare SocietyLATUR, MAHARASHTRA
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- Sarswati Mahila MnadalLatur, MAHARASHTRA
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- Sow Gandharimata Gorakshan Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi SansthaLatur, MAHARASHTRA
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