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The Writers' Association, Kakching Ngo In Kakching Manipur

The Writers' Association, Kakching Ngo Information

The Writers' Association, Kakching Non Governmental Organization is located in Kakching MANIPUR .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 2385 of 1978
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860
City of Registration Kakching
State of Registration MANIPUR
Date of Registration 20-03-1978

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

The Writers' Association, Kakching NGO Organization Members

Mayanglambam Kunjakesho SinghJoint SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Mayanglambam Shantibala DeviTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Naorem Ibotombi SinghPresidentAvailableAvailable
Naorem Amuyaima SinghVice PresidentAvailableAvailable

The Writers' Association, Kakching Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Ministry of CultureCentral2015-2016100000Mobile Literary, Art and Cultural Programme and 125th Birth Anniversary Celebration of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Discussion on the Life and Works of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Department of Art and Culture Govt of ManipurState2015-201620000Birth Anniversary Celebration of Naorem Amuyaima Singh, Pandit Achouba, Sana Konung
Department of Art and Culture Govt of ManipurState2016-201721400Birth Anniversary Celebration of Naorem Amuyaima Singh, Pandit Achouba, Sana Konung
Ministry of CultureCentral2016-2017150000Mobile Literary, Art and Cultural Programme on Childrens Literature and Cultural Fest
Ministry of CultureCentral2017-2018300000Mobile Literary Art and Cultural Programme on Rabindranath Tagore
Not SpecifiedAny Other2018-2019Not SpecifiedMobile Literary, Art and Cultural Programme on Netaji Subash Chandra Bose

Contact details

Address Kakching Bazar, Azad Talkies Road, P.O. Kakching
City Kakching
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 8415923502
Website Url Not Available
E-mail writers[dot]akak(at)

The Writers' Association, Kakching Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Bishnupur, Thoubal, Imphal West, Imphal East

Operational States: MANIPUR

AchieveMents: Not Available

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