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Word Of God Ministries Trust Ngo In Chenglepet Tamil Nadu

Word of God Ministries Trust Non Governmental Organization is located in Chenglepet TAMIL NADU .

Registration Details

Registered With Sub-Registrar
Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government)
Registration No 32/17
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Indian Trust Act
City of Registration Chenglepet
State of Registration TAMIL NADU
Date of Registration 07-03-2017

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Word of God Ministries Trust NGO Organization Members


Word of God Ministries Trust Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not Specifiedlocal fund only
Not SpecifiedAny Other2017-2018Not Specifiedlocal fund only
Not SpecifiedAny Other2018-2019Not Specifiedlocal fund only

Word of God Ministries Trust Contact details

Address 99/1 Thirupoorkumaran Street Palur Village, Kanchipuram District
City Chenglepet
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9047974019
Website Url Not Available
E-mail charlespr1311(at)gmail[dot]com

Word of God Ministries Trust Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts:

Operational States:

AchieveMents: Not Available